Hello everyone! Due to personal issues I wasn't able to update this journal.
In the following I'm going to give you a short summary of what happened over the last months.
Let's go! :-)
December 25
Those are the last pictures before my ants went into hibernation. 

I tried to get them to move into a new tube but they didn't want to move.....

so I had to dump them into the new tube..;-)
It didn't go to plan and I had ants running over my hands and dropping into the outworld. 
In the end they all found into their new home. 

March 11
This is the first picture after hibernation. They were still cuttled together.

The brood of last year was still there.

March 18
They got a small fly to eat as the first meal of the new year. 
I also gave them red sugar water so I could see when they started feeding the larvae.

The hibernation bubble dissolved slowly.

March 25
The queen was still fine. 

The first pupa of the year! Here you can guess the red shimmer of the stomachs of some larvae.

They got a little roach and they really liked it!

April 01
More pupae and the first eggs of the year! Now you can see the red stomachs clearly.

April 08
A lot more eggs.

A lot more pupae.

April 13
Yummy - cricket. 

April 18
They were still doing great.

The four naked pupae already have eyes, so it should take a week until they become workers.