This ant was found in the room of a family friend's house while staying for a visit in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the United States.
The ant was crawling along the crevice of a wall late last night. I noticed it by its size, initially assuming that it was a beetle of some kind.
The ant was alone and seemed lost, as if having been far away from its colony. Its movements were somewhat scattered. My uneducated guess is that it might be a variety of Sugar Ant, and or Hawaiian Carpenter Ant, which have been the closest that I have come to finding a potential look-alike.
I stress that I am not the most knowledgeable about ants or Myrmecology in general. A few features that I recognized upon observation were a dark, arrow shaped marking along the thorax, and its distinct brown and tan striped abdomen.
It is currently being kept in a plastic cup, I hope to transfer the ant to an ant-farm if possible at some point.
Any input into what this ant could possibly be, whether it is a queen, if it is common in the South Western US- ect. would be very much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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