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Good anting spots in CA
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, Jun 1 2022 3:51 PM
12 replies to this topic
Posted June 1 2022 - 3:51 PM
Here is where you can post a bunch of different/good anting spots in California, I really don't know much but I thought it would be good for newcomers, that are starting to get into the anting hobby.
Posted June 1 2022 - 5:09 PM
I heard Chaney trail is a good spot to catch C. clarithorax queens, and a few people found some C. yogi towards september and october.
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Posted June 2 2022 - 12:30 PM
Here's a good resource to find ants in an area or the location of a specific species.
Posted June 2 2022 - 1:32 PM
You can find a few species in Mission Peak Trail, which is in the SF Bay Area. Although I haven't really been there myself, one of my friends has found Veromessor andrei and Camponotus cf. vicinus (an orange/black species in the tanaemyrmex group) around there. However, you can probably expect to find other species if those can be found there. I have been to Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore and found Dorymyrmex insanus and Pheidole cf. californica. There were also Linepithema humile EVERYWHERE. There are also iNaturalist records of Solenopsis xyloni, Hypoponera opacior, Tetramorium immigrans, and Pogonomyrmex sp. in the area. If all else fails, just set up a black light in your backyard on a night after a hot 90+ degree day. I've found Hypoponera in front of my own garage. I had no idea they even existed in my neighborhood.
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
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Posted February 7 2025 - 2:28 PM
Wilder Ranch is a good spot to find v.andrei, multiple Camponotus, and pogonomyrmex species along with a lot of Formica.
Posted February 9 2025 - 9:40 PM
I mean if you want people to dig a bunch of holes where you like to collect, sure, go ahead lol..
Not everyone is content to set up a light trap like we are, they'll poach the daylights outta your spots..
Posted February 11 2025 - 5:09 PM
I mean if you want people to dig a bunch of holes where you like to collect, sure, go ahead lol..
Not everyone is content to set up a light trap like we are, they'll poach the daylights outta your spots..
Is that an actual issue people have??? I did not know there were even enough ant hobbyists to clear an area out.
Posted February 11 2025 - 5:42 PM
A couple things; Wilder Ranch is a state park and illegal to collect in without a research permit. Secondly, there is a handful of hobbyists that decimate areas during nuptial flights and also excavate numerous colonies rather extensively to "check for alates."
Edited by ReignofRage, February 11 2025 - 5:42 PM.
- gcsnelling, Ants_Dakota, jabasson and 1 other like this
Posted February 11 2025 - 6:33 PM
A couple things; Wilder Ranch is a state park and illegal to collect in without a research permit. Secondly, there is a handful of hobbyists that decimate areas during nuptial flights and also excavate numerous colonies rather extensively to "check for alates."
Wow that is really sad to hear. I never knew it caused so much damage. Gathering dealates during a flight doesn't really do too much to the environment legal or not (within reason of course), but I can see how digging too many founding chambers and colonies up causes issues. It would be really cool if someone figured out a scalable method of breeding queens for some of the rarer species.
Posted February 12 2025 - 5:57 AM
A couple things; Wilder Ranch is a state park and illegal to collect in without a research permit. Secondly, there is a handful of hobbyists that decimate areas during nuptial flights and also excavate numerous colonies rather extensively to "check for alates."
Wow that is really sad to hear. I never knew it caused so much damage. Gathering dealates during a flight doesn't really do too much to the environment legal or not (within reason of course), but I can see how digging too many founding chambers and colonies up causes issues. It would be really cool if someone figured out a scalable method of breeding queens for some of the rarer species.
Canadaanter is working on this, but most of his methods are trade secrets, and for good reason. He has a thread about this, so maybe look that up if you are interested.
- jabasson likes this
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8
My Ant Shop Here I have PPQ-526 permits to ship ants nationwide
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Posted February 12 2025 - 6:07 AM
A couple things; Wilder Ranch is a state park and illegal to collect in without a research permit. Secondly, there is a handful of hobbyists that decimate areas during nuptial flights and also excavate numerous colonies rather extensively to "check for alates."
This is highly disappointing, and the reason why I never disturb wild colonies anymore. Here is my opinion on purchasing ants, an opinion that has been solidified over the past few years after reading numerous similar threads on this forum: Don't buy from ant suppliers unless you know their founder. Specifically in the US, I have seen threads over the past few years complaining about ANTopia (yes I will name names, they deserve to do better) and the quality of their ants. I have seen next to nothing about who their founder is, and the quality of their colonies seems to be low. I personally believe that catching your own ant colonies is far more rewarding, as well as fairly easy if you know where and when to look (ask your local ant keepers), but if you are going to purchase ants, go with someone that does not hide behind a website. Some great examples from this forum are Anthony who owns Statesideants, Luke who owns Buckeye Myrmecology, and Canadian Anter who owns Canada Ant Colony. These people have been or are active on Formiculture, have documented posts, and are a product of the culture of this forum. In my opinion, it is no coincidence that they also have the highest quality colonies for sale. When you buy from shops that have an unknown founder, unethical behavior such as this is far more likely to happen. Buy from someone who cared about ants highly before starting a business, not someone who is in it for the money. My 2 cents.
- gcsnelling, RushmoreAnts, bmb1bee and 2 others like this
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8
My Ant Shop Here I have PPQ-526 permits to ship ants nationwide
Attention Ant-Keepers in South Dakota! Join the SoDak(Society Of Dakotan Ant Keepers)
Posted February 12 2025 - 3:40 PM
Vern530 does not make it a secret that he runs Antopia and has been in the hobby for a very long time. I am not sure about colony quality from him because I don't buy ants, but he does not try to hide and has even done several livestreams with himself in full view on social media when doing raffles. His Discord username is his website URL and his original username put together and I think he even has a Discord server.
- bmb1bee and jabasson like this
Posted February 13 2025 - 6:45 AM
Vern530 does not make it a secret that he runs Antopia and has been in the hobby for a very long time. I am not sure about colony quality from him because I don't buy ants, but he does not try to hide and has even done several livestreams with himself in full view on social media when doing raffles. His Discord username is his website URL and his original username put together and I think he even has a Discord server.
Excellent; I have never seen him in the vendor section, so I assumed he was not on here. I take back my complaint about his obscurity then. In hindsight, The Ant Vault deserved more of the flak for the outrageous prices they sell their ants at (highway robbery type stuff, like $150 dollars for a queen with eggs, and $40 extra if you want workers???).
Edited by Ants_Dakota, February 13 2025 - 6:46 AM.
- bmb1bee likes this
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8
My Ant Shop Here I have PPQ-526 permits to ship ants nationwide
Attention Ant-Keepers in South Dakota! Join the SoDak(Society Of Dakotan Ant Keepers)
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