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What are the ants doing in these pictures?

ants fire ants

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#1 Offline Cali4nia - Posted May 24 2022 - 4:51 PM



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I was hoping people more knowledgeable of ants could help me understand what is going on here.


These pictures are from a second story window. We once saw a couple carpenter ants but we think there are thermites somewhere on the top of the window. The fire ants came in today and there has been constant activity.


In the first picture, there are lots of ant corpses. I've seen some of the fire ants carry these around. Not sure if they were fighting each other, the dead fell from the top of the window or they got taken out by some other insect.


In the second picture, a fire ant is carrying something white around. Most of the time, they get lost but a few have been able to carry things like that outside.


I'm so confused, hope you guys can provide some insight. Thanks



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  • 20220524_193630.jpg
  • 20220524_193619.jpg

Edited by Cali4nia, May 24 2022 - 4:52 PM.

#2 Offline OiledOlives - Posted May 24 2022 - 5:26 PM



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Those red ants are carpenter ants. The white things they are carrying around are pupae. 

  • DDD101DDD, lazyant and Cali4nia like this

#3 Offline Cali4nia - Posted May 24 2022 - 6:11 PM



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Oh, then that explains a lot

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ants, fire ants

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