She was caught near my home in Brownsville, TX and she had 3 parasitic mites on her. I quickly removed them with tweezers and put her in a setup.

She laid her first egg about 2 weeks later

A few more eggs a week later. I'd been feeding her termite alates and other small arthropods.

About a month later, we got our first larvae. Also the Plaster nest is under the coco fiber in the back, so in previous images she hadn't moved in yet.

A month later we had a pupae, but I died due to me moving her to a test tube setup because of a mite situation with the last setup.

This is about 6 months later, in a new setup that she is currently in. It's horrible for taking pictures but it serves its purpose of keeping good humidity and temperatures. She had a new pupae, and it eventually hatched into a worker.

This is as of Sunday. She has 3 pupae, 1 large larvae, which started to pupae yesterday with the worker carrying sand and putting it over the larvae like a blanket. And she has about 10 eggs with 3-5 close to hatching into new larvae. The larvae take about 10ish days to be big enough to pupae if fed every day! It's crazy to see the growth of these huge ants!