Unless it's your freezer, I say do what's allowed by your parents. Honestly, I don't blame them for turning away from the idea. We're the ones with our odd hobbies, we shouldn't force it on them. If I wasn't an animal guy, I would be against it too.
The nastiest thing I've kept in the freezer for my pets were maggots and flies for jumping spiders and definitely not doing THAT again 
Interesting idea of keeping stuff in the freezer though, I MIGHT be tempted to keep fruit flies mainly because of their crappy short lifespan and because they're super small, unlike the blue bottle flies.
However, problem is, the stuff in the freezer changes, loses their nutrients and so forth and is never as good as fresh prekilled. Like frozen rats, some people toss them out after several months and you can tell there's some breaking down of the tissue and whatnot.
I'm thinking either you find another ant hobbyist locally that might have live feeders or a person that stocks feeders in your area. Craigslist, FB, forums and whatnot.
If mealworms all you can get, prob try to feed them with a variety of foods would be your next best option though I've only done that with crickets and roaches, I don't know how picky mealworms are. While insect protein is for the best, there's other protein sources out there as well, like the meat that we eat if you're up to testing stuff out, I know I will. A lot of ants are omnivorous scavengers, kind of like giant centipedes that I also keep, they've learn to eat what's around them. A quick google search shows that many people view carpenter ants as pests around their houses and are known to pick up scrap bits left by us, which tells us they can get their nutrients from many different sources.
I breed my own live feeder roaches outside in a bin as I can't stand any smells and I'm allergic to their frass.
Edited by BleepingBleepers, July 29 2023 - 9:28 AM.