Hi, I recently purchased a colony of camponotus sansabeanus from reign of rage, with 2 queens, 6 workers 1 pupae, 1 mature larvae and lots of young larvae and eggs. As you can see in the title, they culled one of the queens today. I knew that they would eventually cull a queen but I didn't expect this to happen so soon. Should I be concerned? The entire colony is well fed, (Based on the size of their gasters) and the only sign I saw that the colony was favoring one queen was that the main queen that is still alive today has a slightly larger gaster. Other than that no signs of agression (I just got home from school and didn't see the fight go down.) The scene is quite gruesome. The dead queen has it's head twisted upside down and it's legs are injured. Looks like something that only the large mandibles of another queen could do, but I could be wrong. I just want to know if I should be extra concerned about this death.
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