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I don't know exactly how to start a termite colony

termitesants question queen and king

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#1 Offline Bugging3out - Posted May 1 2022 - 12:48 PM


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Hi everyone, i haven't posted in a while due to my fire ant colony almost eating me alive. I have been catching winter ant queens (contact me privately if you wish to buy or trade, remember only if you are in NY!). Yesterday I was looking for tiger salamanders when I kicked a log kidding with my friends and actually unearthed a huge termite colony. I have been always interested in termites. i collected some with my handy aspirator and planned to dump some in my fire ants outworld but decided not to because the termites were so cute. I did some further research, but found that people weren't into termites as much as ants and did not leave a lot of information. Most of the information i got was from pest killer websites lol. Supposedly worker termites could turn into king and queen termites by shedding depending on the colony need.  is this correct info? The colony has 50 workers and 1 solider and 4 alataes. I know one of them has to be male and another one has to be female. I filled a test tube setup halfway and put tissue paper down the test tube until all the water was gone and there was wet tissue paper half of the test tube. could i have any advice from people who have kept termites for a long time? Thanks. 

peace!  :afro:

#2 Offline ANTdrew - Posted May 1 2022 - 1:50 PM


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Read Nare’s guide to subterranean termites.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#3 Offline Bugging3out - Posted May 1 2022 - 2:08 PM


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imm start a jounal

peace!  :afro:

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: termitesants, question, queen and king

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