Welcome to my trading post! I'm going to be putting up some ants (and maybe other bugs) here for the primary purpose of trading. Feel free to ask any questions below...
Pickup/Shipping: Local pickup is in the California Bay Area, at a location of my choice. Priority shipping is available for about $10.00, more for ants in formicaria or larger formicariums. For local pickup, the payment will be in cash. For shipping, the payment must be through PayPal Friends and Family. If not, a small PayPal fee will be charged.
DOA Policy: Can refund for the ants if the customer sends me a video of the dead colony within 2 hours of arrival. I will package the ants to the best of my ability, but shipping will not be refunded as I cannot control what conditions they will be going through during shipping.
Contacts: If interested but can't access Formiculture, email lhnguyens07@gmail.com. My Discord username is bmb1bee if you prefer a quicker way of reaching out.
I may accept payment over trade offers in some cases. PM for price, or if interested in up-to-date pics of my ants!
P.S. California sales only, unless you have a permit if from another state (does not apply for formicariums and other nonliving supplies).
Camponotus cf. hyatti freshly caught queens - Purchase 1-3 queens $12 each (20+ available)
Purchase 4-9 queens $10 each (20+ available)
Purchase 10+ queens $8 each (20+ available)
- Heat for faster growth, around 80-85+ degrees Fahrenheit.
- Eat most readily available feeders, such as roaches, mealworms, fruit flies, and termites.
- Start off growing a bit slowly, but pick up the pace later on.
- Queens around 11-14 mm, workers around 7-9 mm.
- Usually monogynous, but may found with multiple queens (probably wouldn't recommend).
Cardiocondyla mauritanica 2-5 queens + 5-15 workers - $15 each (available soon)
- Hardy and grow at a decent pace, heat for best results.
- Will eat many things, including insects, fish flakes, dog food, and various sweets.
- Sometimes escape artists, but a barrier accompanied by tight fitting lids will prevent escapes.
- Queens around 3 mm, workers around 2-2.5 mm.
- Polygynous (have multiple queens per colony) and can inbreed to produce more fertile queens.
Other Insects:
Coming soon
Coming soon
Any cryptic ants including (but not restricted to):
Hypoponera punctatissima (reddish variant)
Hypoponera spp. (would also take just brood)
Myrmecina spp.
Proceratium californicum
Stenamma spp.
Stigmatomma spp.
Strumigenys spp.
Edited by bmb1bee, March 25 2025 - 6:46 AM.