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Veromessor andrei workers dying since moving out of incubator

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#1 Offline buglover123 - Posted April 14 2022 - 10:14 AM


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I have a Veromesor andrei colony that's been doing fantastic in a foam incubator at about 84 degrees. I give them seeds and they've gone from queen to about 40 workers in one year. I decided to recently move them out into my room so I can see them more, it's usually about 70 in my room BUT I have heating cable right under their nest, and the internal temperature in their nest is about 84...yet, every day some workers just drop dead, now there's been about ten dead workers. Any idea why this is happening?

#2 Offline ZTYguy - Posted April 14 2022 - 12:34 PM


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What is the humidity like in your room, that can play a huge part.

Currently: Considering moving to Australia
Reason: Myrmecia

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