Welcome to my journal on my Dolichovespula maculata queen! I caught this queen on 4/10/2022 at 6:28 P.M. under a log here in beautiful Grand Rapids Michigan. According to what my friends have told me no one has kept this wasp species that is also known as the "Bald-Faced Hornet". Since no one has ever kept I unfortunately do not know what they need but from what I've seen on bug guide their nests are made in trees, so I decided to gather some pine, twigs and cardboard and quickly throw together a nest for her. I realized though that I had a problem... That was that I have no wasp nest to give the queen to start with and she doesn't seem to want to build a nest. Maybe I'm just being impatient but I'm very worried that maybe this species of wasp needs another wasp colony's empty nest to start laying. Any help and information on what I should do would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading the beginning of this journal!
Edited by NicholasP, April 12 2022 - 4:06 PM.