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Thank you for nothing formiculture
Started By
, Apr 4 2022 1:14 AM
21 replies to this topic
Posted April 4 2022 - 1:14 AM
Some of you may now me from a different time and some of you won't know me at all. However this place used to be truly special among the ant keeping community. I remember when I joined in 2016 everyone was helpful and it wasn't over run by children. However towards 2018 if I remember correctly, ants Canada drew alot of attention from kids that sent them barreling into these forums. Due to the lack of moderation it turned into garbage posting and topics no longer relevant to what these forums were meant for. I personally worked everyday, for 12 hours a day at my job. Ant keeping and posting on here was were my free time was spent. I enjoyed sharing my experiences and contributing my knowledge. After all I poured hours worth of knowledge into these forums. The most remarkable part of this place was the fact, that there were true proffesionals within this community. Not just experienced keepers, but People who went to school, studied entomology and did such as a career. These people I got the pleasure of speaking with on here, and now you will not find them posting on here or even active aside from a rare occasion. It was a enjoyable, and different time. Despite the time I've put in here, inquiring about chat room problems or asking a question is ignored by the guy who created this place. Not a big deal, and I'm not offended. But this place has turned to $hit and that's why all older members will no longer participate. Currently I have over 40 colonies that I would have liked to post here. However it seems irrelevant when it's no longer moderated and over ran by inactive vendors and $hit posts. (Not all but they are there) Don't bother posting a question regarding all the vendors or anything else because the man in control will not bother to send you a quick message. Just know your participation on these forums and the time you've stayed loyal to returning to the site will mean nothing.
- TennesseeAnts, ANTdrew, Somethinghmm and 7 others like this
Posted April 4 2022 - 5:07 AM
I hear you, TC. You’re spot on with your criticism, but I say those are all good reasons for experienced members to stick around and help bring this forum back to what it used to be. That’s the reason I stick around and keep helping people. I really wish I could be a mod myself, but nobody who can make me one seems interested. My rep points show what I’ve done for this place. If older members did the half of all that, we wouldn’t even need to have this conversation.
Edit: I’m a mod now.
Edit: I’m a mod now.
Edited by ANTdrew, April 6 2022 - 5:28 PM.
- TennesseeAnts, ConcordAntman, B_rad0806 and 14 others like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.
Posted April 4 2022 - 6:12 AM
TC, I for one agree, but to some degree. When I first joined, I was inexperienced and was intimidated somewhat by all the professionals, but I studied a lot and over a year became really good at identification, keeping, and even to the point I was keeping cryptids that few people have recorded keeping alive. I think all of the kids who join can be kindof noobish but they're still learning, and while I think they could do some good research on Antweb and Antwiki to get a great ant foundation before posting, many don't know these websites exist. I personally see promoting self research as a good way to help these newcomers gain good knowledge without the excessive basic knowledge topics becoming a problem. I think that's a good way to help move the forum in a good direction.
- ConcordAntman, Antkeeper01, KadinB and 3 others like this
1:Pogonomymex occidentalis
4: Tetramorium immigrans
2 Reticulitermes flavipes
Posted April 4 2022 - 7:39 AM
Let the children stay on Discord. Simple as that. Essentially, T.C., your description could be summarized as "Formiculture is being polluted by Discord users & drama", which I agree with. I also agree this place needs stricter moderation.
- Antkeeper01 and cooIboyJ like this
"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version
Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea
Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra
Myrmica sp.
Lasius neoniger, brevicornis
Posted April 4 2022 - 7:55 AM
While there is quite a lot of drama regarding collection, venders, and others various things. I find that helping newer people, and keeping my journals updated is rewarding in of itself. I tend to stay out of the things controversy wise. I just want to humanely keep ants, and help others do the same.
While I recognize I haven't been around long compared to a lot of others in this hobby, I know how important it is to helps others. Especially if you want the hobby to grow in a positive way. I've seen what happens in my other hobbies when the "old timers" abandon the newbies.
- Antkeeper01, m99, Dumpling and 1 other like this
Currently kept species
L. neoniger, P. occidentalis, C. modoc, C. novaeboracensis, C. vicinus, T. immigrans, A. occidentalis, S. molesta, P. imparis, M. kennedyi, M semirufus, F. pacifica, P. californica, M. ergatogyna.
Previously kept species
T. rugatulus, B. depilis.
Looking for
Myrmecocystus pyramicus, Myrmecocystus testaceus
Pheidole creightoni, Pheidole inquilina, Crematogaster coarctata, Crematogaster mutans
Posted April 4 2022 - 2:47 PM
Some of you may now me from a different time and some of you won't know me at all. However this place used to be truly special among the ant keeping community. I remember when I joined in 2016 everyone was helpful and it wasn't over run by children. However towards 2018 if I remember correctly, ants Canada drew alot of attention from kids that sent them barreling into these forums. Due to the lack of moderation it turned into garbage posting and topics no longer relevant to what these forums were meant for. I personally worked everyday, for 12 hours a day at my job. Ant keeping and posting on here was were my free time was spent. I enjoyed sharing my experiences and contributing my knowledge. After all I poured hours worth of knowledge into these forums. The most remarkable part of this place was the fact, that there were true proffesionals within this community. Not just experienced keepers, but People who went to school, studied entomology and did such as a career. These people I got the pleasure of speaking with on here, and now you will not find them posting on here or even active aside from a rare occasion. It was a enjoyable, and different time. Despite the time I've put in here, inquiring about chat room problems or asking a question is ignored by the guy who created this place. Not a big deal, and I'm not offended. But this place has turned to $hit and that's why all older members will no longer participate. Currently I have over 40 colonies that I would have liked to post here. However it seems irrelevant when it's no longer moderated and over ran by inactive vendors and $hit posts. (Not all but they are there) Don't bother posting a question regarding all the vendors or anything else because the man in control will not bother to send you a quick message. Just know your participation on these forums and the time you've stayed loyal to returning to the site will mean nothing.
T.C., I hear what you are saying and overall agree. As an entomologist and one who has given due focus on myrmecology, I have found much of what I would call amateur noobie and uninformed posts. Of course there are rants and raves and at times rather detracting posts. I have over time tried to insert "scientifically validated" responses but generally those get poor viewings save by the more seasoned formiculturalists on this forum. I understand not everybody is interested in reading a peer reviewed scientific paper!! Nevertheless, I still find this forum informative all the time. I can always glean the exceptional and educational postings and I am able to learn from non-academics as I have learned that many many "hobbyists" are often times some of the most informed individuals in their interests. For example, recently I posted a query to those who had been able to get colonies of Tapinoma sessile to produce reproductives, which I can say laboratories in Texas A&M, Purdue and University of Tennessee have not been able to do despite years of research on this species. In that inquiry I was able to pose further questions and benefit from the "hobbyist" and pass that information on to academics. The upshot, I agree moderating could be improved. An emphasis always on science based sound formiculture is always needed. I hope those who are the moderators of this forum and the veteran experienced members can move forward to making this forum accessible, understandable and exciting to all levels: noobies to academics!!
- gcsnelling, Martialis, T.C. and 7 others like this
Posted April 4 2022 - 3:06 PM
As a newcomer, I can say that I appreciate the well thought out posts that I read here, and try to ignore the rest. As a kid, I was always interested in ants, just never had a way to keep them. Now that I’m retired, I’m trying to play catch up and learn what I can. This forum helps in that regard, as long as I keep in mind that the post may be from a 15 year old who has kept a colony for a year and is a self professed expert.
I really appreciate some of the journals I’ve been reading.
Just my 2 cents.
- Antkeeper01 and Valkyrie04 like this
Posted April 4 2022 - 3:32 PM
You left the hobby a few years ago, and when you decided to show up on the forum again a long time later, you clearly did not seem to care at all about ants, which was fine, but you did not have much respect for the forum or me either with the stuff you were posting. You then proceeded to make threats when you were no longer a moderator. You showed up again a couple months ago and decided to purposely (since you actually stated it) leave a bunch of profanity all over the ant chat room (not the other room). So, tell me again who's "$hit posting"? You seem to have a slightly distorted view of reality.
- PogoQueen, EthanNgo678, TennesseeAnts and 18 others like this
Posted April 4 2022 - 3:38 PM
Are you kidding me?
Sure, there's a lot of inexperienced people here making posts, and I agree that lack of moderation is an issue. But seriously? Too many kids? Antkeeping forums are designed to be a place to learn. If you have a problem with inexperienced people making posts, the only solution is to help them. Inexperienced people aren't magically going to become ultra knowledgeable about ants on their own. Formiculture isn't some mile high club reserved for people with PhDs or 10+ years of antkeeping, this is a place for anybody to make posts and talk about what they enjoy.
I've only been on FC, actively at least, for the last 2ish years. But in that time I've made several journals that the community has loved, made guide posts to help people with some less commonly kept ants, and even started an ant supply shop. If you want my advice, share your 40+ colonies! This community of inexperienced kids needs more engagement, more people making journals about their colonies, and more posts from the experienced members to look to for advice on caring for their ants.
Sorry for being harsh, as especially based on your posts and rep I know you've contributed a lot to this forum. But in the past 2 years that I've been active I haven't seen you once, and really, if you're going to sit here complaining, then why don't you do something about it. Without stricter moderation, which let's face it isn't going to happen, the only way to improve the quality of posts on this website is to make quality posts. Not crap like this, complaining about kids and newbies.
On top of everything, you are bold to assume that no older members use Formiculture anymore. I am personally guilty of making fewer posts now that I used to a few months ago, but I'm still here sticking around, just like many of the more experienced members on this site.
If you're done with Formiculture, that's fine by me. But don't go trying to blame others for your own shortcomings. It's one thing to acknowledge that you're a busy adult that can't keep up with the current community, but it's another to try and degrade them for trying to engage with the community and learn.
- PogoQueen, EthanNgo678, TennesseeAnts and 23 others like this
I like leafcutter ants. Watch The Ultimate Guide to Fungus Growing Ants:
This video took like over 100 hours of work, you should for sure watch it.
Posted April 4 2022 - 3:43 PM
I would like to say that I entered this hobby back in early 2018 and have been constantly anting since. I came in as a pure newbie and what was incredible is a thing called learning and teaching. You can’t have something as educational as formiculture and expect it to stay a sanctuary for purely advanced and seasoned anters. Change happens and with that fact you have to accept it and move on. Anyways this is a forum. IT IS MEANT FOR LEARNING AND EDUCATION. I agree that some people are vulgar or unnecessarily rude but just bring the golden rule into play. Treat people how you want to be treated. Teach people that rudeness and vulgarity is not accepted here and if that isn’t taken then report them. I’ve been here through a few phases and it’s totally natural, but guess what doesn’t help, leaving. Just be friendly and helpful. Formiculture has and will continue to be a place for all ant keepers alike and just because there are more new people that just goes to show that the hobby is growing and becoming more enjoyable to more people.
- Antkeeper01, antgallery and AntsCali098 like this
Currently: Considering moving to Australia
Reason: Myrmecia
Reason: Myrmecia
Posted April 4 2022 - 8:04 PM
You left the hobby a few years ago, and when you decided to show up on the forum again a long time later, you clearly did not seem to care at all about ants, which was fine, but you did not have much respect for the forum or me either with the stuff you were posting. You then proceeded to make threats when you were no longer a moderator. You showed up again a couple months ago and decided to purposely (since you actually stated it) leave a bunch of profanity all over the ant chat room (not the other room). So, tell me again who's "$hit posting"? You seem to have a slightly distorted view of reality.
I'm not sure I'm the one with with a "distorted view of reality." I do three things. Number one being I keep ants, tarantulas, scorpions and ALOT of other things. I have an entire room dedicated to it. Number two, sports and the gambling around it. And lastly I work all day, everyday. My average work days at this time is 12 hour days. So to say I have no interest anymore was you making assumptions due to my inactivity despite me explaining why I don't post anymore. Yet when I reach out asking about things in hopes of becoming more active and sharing my information and posting my species you don't have the respect for me to even respond. Respect is a mutual thing and something you don't have for me. So why would I respect you? I have never $[censored] posted in these forums aside from chat. Of course I $hit talk in chat as we always have, including you. In fact for the longest time you had the chats greeting message as "Welcome to chat where we OCCASIONALLY talk about ants." We all know anything in chat was taken with a grain of salt. And as i'm sure you remember, you had me as a moderator of this forum and of the chat. Back when I went inactive you removed me as a forum Moderator. There was not an issue there for the most part. I was a little annoyed because when I came back I had the intentions on posting around 20 journals and wanted to have the ability to lock it to avoid comments cluttering it up. I could only do that as a moderator. Certainly wasn't a big deal to me. The issue I had was when you removed me as a chat moderator. Do you remember why you removed me as a moderator of chat? Allow me to refresh your mind. Me, terry(byFormica) and a few others were in chat. We were all making jokes about shipping invasive species and terry banned me for eight hours (??) or at least a long while. As I said, we all joked in chat. Terry got upset when I came back the following day and banned him for an entire day for what he did. Then he came to you complaining and you removed me as a mod. It was pathetic and then I was pi$$ed. At that time I threatened of removing any information or posts I had ever posted here. The issue was resolved after you made me a mod again and told me and terry to stop kicking each other out. I never did it again out of respect. It wasn't the fact that you removed me as a mod, but the principle behind it. After all the time I had put in here, it's not fair to say I didn't have a right to be upset. And now I am entirely removed from chat? I assume this because it don't let me in and you didn't respond back to me. So why not just ban me all around since I'm just a "$hit poster?"
As an adult I can say above all the discords, forums and facebook groups, you have the BEST community. Naturally I get upset when I see certain things. Mainly the forum cluttered with inactive vendors. Most of the sites if you ordered, you would pay and get nothing because they don't sell anymore. Active vendors I whole heartedly support. But we have all put time into these forums and hate to see things go to $hit. My proposition is we forget about it all. You give me the access to chat that should have never been taken to begin with. Not that I care to use it but again, principle. And if possible make it so when I post my journals the only person that can "comment" on my post is myself.
Posted April 5 2022 - 2:11 AM
And just to bring further light to our vendors.
antsylvania.com owner VoidElecent
Member Since Jan 29 2017
OFFLINE Last Active Jul 21 2021 4:19 PM
www.antzforall.co.uk owner SpikeyOls
Member Since Jun 9 2016
OFFLINE Last Active Jul 23 2019 4:44 AM
anttopia.com owner (the domain is for sale) ParaStatic
Member Since Jul 2 2014
OFFLINE Last Active Jun 20 2021 1:24 PM
- OiledOlives likes this
Posted April 5 2022 - 5:12 AM
(DISCLAIMER: I myself have also contributed to the degrading of the quality of this forum.) I have one thing to say; if you are not going to post or try to keep the quality of this forum from degrading then you don't get to say anything. Also this post only makes the forum worse and if you want to be able to complain about children then post more often than once every two years.
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube....kUjx-dPFMyVqOLw
Join Our Fledgling Discord Server https://discord.com/...089056687423489
Posted April 5 2022 - 5:39 AM
Time to let bygones be bygones. Move on, everyone, and go update your journals or share something educational. I got a good update on my Crematogasters in the works.
- Antkeeper01 and AntBoi3030 like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.
Posted April 5 2022 - 6:35 AM
Time to let bygones be bygones. Move on, everyone, and go update your journals or share something educational. I got a good update on my Crematogasters in the works.
Can't wait!
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube....kUjx-dPFMyVqOLw
Join Our Fledgling Discord Server https://discord.com/...089056687423489
Posted April 5 2022 - 7:02 AM
Time to let bygones be bygones. Move on, everyone, and go update your journals or share something educational. I got a good update on my Crematogasters in the works.
I've been waiting for a update!
- ANTdrew and ColAnt735 like this
Been keeping ants since January of 2021
Always try new things, even if its hard, hard is not impossible. We are smart and it's good to be smart but not too smart for your own good.
Always try new things, even if its hard, hard is not impossible. We are smart and it's good to be smart but not too smart for your own good.
Posted April 5 2022 - 7:42 AM
I love what Drew has built here, it’s a free open forum that is very friendly to people who want to learn more. Sure there may be opinions and words spoken that you may not like, but it’s a very special thing to have a place to openly speak your mind. No authoritarian rule is not always appreciated, but I appreciate it

- B_rad0806, Kaelwizard, ANTdrew and 4 others like this
Posted April 5 2022 - 11:56 AM
Are you kidding me?
Sure, there's a lot of inexperienced people here making posts, and I agree that lack of moderation is an issue. But seriously? Too many kids? Antkeeping forums are designed to be a place to learn. If you have a problem with inexperienced people making posts, the only solution is to help them. Inexperienced people aren't magically going to become ultra knowledgeable about ants on their own. Formiculture isn't some mile high club reserved for people with PhDs or 10+ years of antkeeping, this is a place for anybody to make posts and talk about what they enjoy.
I've only been on FC, actively at least, for the last 2ish years. But in that time I've made several journals that the community has loved, made guide posts to help people with some less commonly kept ants, and even started an ant supply shop. If you want my advice, share your 40+ colonies! This community of inexperienced kids needs more engagement, more people making journals about their colonies, and more posts from the experienced members to look to for advice on caring for their ants.
Sorry for being harsh, as especially based on your posts and rep I know you've contributed a lot to this forum. But in the past 2 years that I've been active I haven't seen you once, and really, if you're going to sit here complaining, then why don't you do something about it. Without stricter moderation, which let's face it isn't going to happen, the only way to improve the quality of posts on this website is to make quality posts. Not crap like this, complaining about kids and newbies.
On top of everything, you are bold to assume that no older members use Formiculture anymore. I am personally guilty of making fewer posts now that I used to a few months ago, but I'm still here sticking around, just like many of the more experienced members on this site.
If you're done with Formiculture, that's fine by me. But don't go trying to blame others for your own shortcomings. It's one thing to acknowledge that you're a busy adult that can't keep up with the current community, but it's another to try and degrade them for trying to engage with the community and learn.
Not a big fan of gatekeeping, but there are occasionally some "discord-users" that don't behave too well/maturely (Using excessive text language/slang, being rude, making low quality threads). Overall, this is a good and professional space to nurture ant keeping, and I hope it stays that way.
- Kaelwizard likes this
Check out my Youtube Channel! https://www.youtube....xh-HaScAuE5CShQ
Check out my Crematogaster Journal! https://www.formicul...e-2#entry141180
Posted April 8 2022 - 8:47 AM
Fair criticism, but of AntsCanada, Discord, and Formiculture, this is the only site I regularly visit. There are members who provide interesting and informative content that I look forward to following. Formiculture, Discord, AntsCanada, and other sites serve entomologists and myrmecologists spanning the spectrum from novice and curious hobbyist to professionals with advanced degrees. Of course there will be noise in this community. Filter the noise, nurture the novice, learn from the professional, leave a pearl of knowledge from time to time, and try not to mess the place up. Stay and help keep Formiculture a site novices, hobbyists, and academics want to come back to.
- ANTdrew, Antkeeper01 and Tai_pan1 like this
Posted April 8 2022 - 1:51 PM
This is dead, we have all moved on so please nobody else post here.
- T.C. and Kaelwizard like this
Currently: Considering moving to Australia
Reason: Myrmecia
Reason: Myrmecia
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