Tetramorium immigrans 12 to 20 workers with brood. $10 comes in testtube.
Edited by jeffpbalderston, March 1 2025 - 7:36 PM.
Edited by jeffpbalderston, March 1 2025 - 7:36 PM.
There's no Lasius alienus in North America. The North American populations of what used to be considered L. alienus is now L. americanus.
DMed for semitestaceus
Edited by ZTYguy, April 2 2022 - 10:51 PM.
Edited by jeffpbalderston, April 4 2022 - 1:29 PM.
Are the ocreatus still availible?
Current: 2x C. clarithorax 2 & 4 workers, 1x C. quericola queen w/ pupae, 1x C. us-CA02 queen w/ pupae, 1x C. sansabeanus 13 workers, 2x C. dumetorum 1 & 6 workers, 1x C. yogi 5 workers
Past: T. immigrans, C. vicinus, C. modoc, C. quericola, L. occidentale, Crematogaster sp., Pheidole californica, Myrmecocystus testaceus
Recently got back into anting!
Edited by jeffpbalderston, April 18 2022 - 8:14 PM.
Adding Pheidole californica with 1 queen and 50 plus minors/majors. $40
most likley interesed if not sold in a week
What i am keeping Brachymyrmex patagonicus 1 worker x5 tetramorium immigrans 10 workers x2 lasius crypticus 5 workers Pheidole californica 6 queens150~ workers 10-30 majors, Formica argentea 10~ W
What I've kept crematogaster sp pheidole californica camponotus vicinus high elev, dumetorum,laevigatus, prenolepis imparis, pogonomyrmex californicus and subnitidus and californicus, veromessor andrei, camponotus sayi, hypoponera opacior ,Liometopum occidentale solnopsis molesta group, solenopsis xyloni.
Edited by jeffpbalderston, April 26 2022 - 7:37 PM.
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