The beginning:
It all started when I received my crematogaster Cerasi Queen in the mail from State Side Ants. The queen came on 2/10/22, a little before my birthday. She arrived with around a dozen pupae and some of them looked extremely dark so I expected them to enclose the next day. Sure enough the next day she had one worker sprinting around. A few hours later there were two workers! New workers eclosed through the course of a week. Once all the workers eclosed the queen began to lay eggs again.
Present 3/4/22:
The colony now numbers around a dozen workers. Some of their eggs had begun to hatch a few days ago and now are growing rapidly. I’m feeding them fruit flies daily right now along with sugar water. I’m super excited about this colony and I really hope that they can grow a ton this season
Edited by AntBoi3030, February 22 2025 - 10:28 AM.