I made a powerpoint to get my snake and it worked.
If all else fails, just keep your ants in like a box or something and put it under your bed.
+1 for bed ants.
I made a powerpoint to get my snake and it worked.
If all else fails, just keep your ants in like a box or something and put it under your bed.
+1 for bed ants.
when the ants escape and crawl into your bed:
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
Middle of the night my parents hear: YAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Not suspicious at all...
Also, I'm getting my dad to do the GAN sign in sheet thing since I can't. I noticed the requirments for selling ants on the GAN project said that I have to "Inform AntsCanada immediately when a colony I am offering dies or if I have another colony available for sale". Where would I do that?
Edited by azzaaazzzz00, March 3 2022 - 12:04 PM.
Yeah the rules on GAN are completely ignored by pretty much everyone. Just make sure you don't break any actual laws (Shipping out of state without a permit is really the only one).
My YouTube Channel.
My Ant Store: https://www.missouriantshop.com/
You don’t have to follow any of their silly rules. Nobody enforces any of that crap.
Yeah the rules on GAN are completely ignored by pretty much everyone. Just make sure you don't break any actual laws (Shipping out of state without a permit is really the only one).
oh...ok. I don't know how to ship stuff so that laws no worry. Do I start a topic on the AntsCanada forum to update people about what colonies I have available or do I contact AntsCanada directly.
Ohhhhh...are you still using your GAN account and selling ants? You said you earned like 2K in one year, dats a lot
Edited by azzaaazzzz00, March 3 2022 - 4:44 PM.
Really bad news: my dad just told me that we're definitly moving and that they're 80% sure they're going to sell selling the resturant that they owned. This means that we're going to have to try to save money. I think I'm going to give in and leave the ant dreams behind...
Edited by azzaaazzzz00, March 3 2022 - 5:11 PM.
Don't give up! You can still keep founding queens that you catch, they're really easy to keep. They literally only require a test tube, water, cotton, and time to develop. Or if you're not able to keep any now, you could try it again in the future! We can help and support you on this forum
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
Thanks for staying positive, I'm not going to leave the forum or anything but the problem is that 1) formicariums and equitment after the founding stage is to expensive for what my parents have now and 2) I worry about my parents health, their not really in great positions (from the hard work in th resturant), and the stress I would cause for them by keeping ants would just make things so much worse. I guess I'll try again in the futrure. Thanks for all the support.
Antpartment? You don't have to do that, it's just something I guess I have to just deal with. I mean to give you guys a better Idea heres a brief summary of what's been going on (and a little peek at how the converstion between my mom and I would probably go). I live in Bogota NJ and my parents work at a resturant that gets us enough money to get by. Now the resturant is going to be sold, and so is our house. No resturant=now job for my parents=no money=have to save money=no ants. We're probably moving into an aparment and ants in there are going to be a no-no. If I did ask, this is probably how it goes:
Me: can I pleaaasssseeee keep ants like inside or outside, or anywhere really???
My mom: can't you see we're in a type of money crisis right now?!
Me: but on Formiculture, there are people who are will to hel-
My mom: I don't care what they have to offer, I can't stand ants and that's that!
Me: Bu-
My mom: no
Me: B-
My mom: NO! And I don't want to hear ANYTHING about ants ever again. *angrily walks out of the room*
Short and sad conversation, but it's basicly what happens anytime I bring up ants (also the part about "And I don't want to hear ANYTHING about ants ever again" was directly quoted from every conversation about ants I've had with her). I know I shouldn't give up but what other choices do I have?
Antpartment? You don't have to do that, it's just something I guess I have to just deal with. I mean to give you guys a better Idea heres a brief summary of what's been going on (and a little peek at how the converstion between my mom and I would probably go). I live in Bogota NJ and my parents work at a resturant that gets us enough money to get by. Now the resturant is going to be sold, and so is our house. No resturant=now job for my parents=no money=have to save money=no ants. We're probably moving into an aparment and ants in there are going to be a no-no. If I did ask, this is probably how it goes:
Me: can I pleaaasssseeee keep ants like inside or outside, or anywhere really???
My mom: can't you see we're in a type of money crisis right now?!
Me: but on Formiculture, there are people who are will to hel-
My mom: I don't care what they have to offer, I can't stand ants and that's that!
Me: Bu-
My mom: no
Me: B-
My mom: NO! And I don't want to hear ANYTHING about ants ever again. *angrily walks out of the room*
Short and sad conversation, but it's basicly what happens anytime I bring up ants (also the part about "And I don't want to hear ANYTHING about ants ever again" was directly quoted from every conversation about ants I've had with her). I know I shouldn't give up but what other choices do I have?
You should tell her about claustral species, where the queens can be left in a simple test tube for a month while founding her colony. That way those queens can last a money crisis without lowering the budget! If all else fails, you can try biding your time and wait till the right time to get back into antkeeping... That'll make your parents more agreeable after the money crisis is over.
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
The claustral queens would last pretty long but once she gets workers ill have to get her protien (sugars no problem) which means even more insects to care for and more possibilities my moms going to freak out about THAT. So yea I think waiting until a better time is the right Idea. Idk what I'm going to do while I wait for everything to get back to normal (if it ever does).
Well, you can still learn about ants without keeping them. Find colonies and rare species, track nuptial flights, read great books, etc. There’s also way more to the natural world than ants, and the best part is that it’s free to go out and observe.
Yup, you could do all the research you want while waiting for the right time to get back into antkeeping. Who knows, maybe the place you're moving to has better ant species...
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
Well, you can still learn about ants without keeping them. Find colonies and rare species, track nuptial flights, read great books, etc. There’s also way more to the natural world than ants, and the best part is that it’s free to go out and observe.
Yup, you could do all the research you want while waiting for the right time to get back into antkeeping. Who knows, maybe the place you're moving to has better ant species...
yeah, when I moved to British Columbia I found ten more ant species than where I used to live.have hope
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