Update 28/2/22
(Sorry for the inconsistent Date formats)
Tetramorium immigrans- I feed these ants a few dandelion/chia seeds and they brought them into the nest when the nest was impossible to see in, I think you can see where this is going, the seeds germinated. Now there are three chia spouts coming out of the nest entrance and tons of roots in and around the nest I just ordered quite a few formicariums/supplies from Canada Ant Colony so I am going have to move them again.
Others than this these ants are continuing to grow at a quick rate and have been devouring their food.
Solenopsis molesta- My luck with ants is running out these ants just had about 90% of the colony die I'm relying on the pupa to enclose and keep this colony alive.
These queens continue to lay lots of eggs.
Temnothorax curvispinosus- I am attempting to move this colony into a new test tube because their old one ran out of water.
Pogonomyrmex occidentalis- I am going to move these ants into a Tarheel Ants Mini Hearth when it arrives. Other than this these ants have a very large pile of young larvae.
Prenolepis imparis- Nothing new.
Lasius brevicornis- Nothing new although more eggs have been laid.
Formica incerta- The egg pile the queen has created is pretty big they've been eating well and have been a joy to keep so far.
Edited by ColAnt735, March 1 2022 - 7:10 AM.