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63 replies to this topic

#61 Offline OiledOlives - Posted June 4 2023 - 1:02 PM



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Camponotus castaneus queens:
Camponotus castaneus queens.jpg
Camponotus castaneus.jpg

Monomorium minimum colony:
Monomorium minimum icon.jpg

Pheidole pilifera (I got rid of my first colony and the queen of the other colony died)
Pheidole pilifera major head on.jpg
Pheidole pilifera workers.jpg

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#62 Offline OiledOlives - Posted September 24 2023 - 5:31 AM



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I caught a Stigmatomma queen under a rock a month ago and found some workers around 100 miles away. I introduced them to the queen with no fighting, but the queen ate the two eggs she had laid. Now, they have a small batch of eggs and a larvae. I'm curious to see how they're gonna respond to diapause since they're being heated. Something else that I find interesting is that they're doing fine without substrate (which I'll add once the larvae gets larger) and centipedes. They've been on a diet of solely roaches and occasional mealworms.2e3c07586b5bc93a37b4b23df5b52ca8.jpgfacdf06b5f84e13eaf2b5afb56319463.jpg

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#63 Offline Virginian_ants - Posted September 24 2023 - 6:27 AM


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Wow good job. I've been hunting for these guys ever since I moved to Virginia.

#64 Offline Ernteameise - Posted September 24 2023 - 10:47 AM


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Oh wow, amazing that you can keep them under these conditions and nutrition.

I have read that they are hard to keep and require their centipedes / millipedes.

Really cool.

Hope the colony continues to grow!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: pheidole bicarinata, camponotus chromaiodes, pheidole pilifera, aphaenogaster picea, aphaenogaster lamellidens, lasius americanus, myrmica incompleta, colobopsis obliqua, formica subsericea, formica pallidefulva

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