Did you get a queen?
No, the colony was too large for me to feel comfortable collecting the queen.
Edited by OiledOlives, October 19 2022 - 7:05 AM.
Did you get a queen?
No, the colony was too large for me to feel comfortable collecting the queen.
Edited by OiledOlives, October 19 2022 - 7:05 AM.
Current boring ant list:
Crematogaster lineolata 2 queens 45 workers
Crematogaster lineolata 2 queens 30 workers
Temnothorax curvispinosus x5
Tapinoma sessile 1 queen 10 workers
Tapinoma sessile 1 queen 60 workers
Aphaenogaster fulva 1 queen 90 workers
Aphaenogaster fulva 1 queen 60 workers
Aphaenogaster N22b 1 queen 35 workers
Aphaenogaster rudis 1 queen 5 workers
Aphaenogaster rudis 1 queen 10 workers
Monomorium minimum 12 queens 400 workers
Monomorium minimum 3 queens 200 workers
Lasius aphidicola 1 queen 11 hosts
Crematogaster cerasi 1 queen 100 workers
Crematogaster lineolata 1 queen 300 workers
Monomorium minimum 8 queens 600 workers
More Vollenhovia emeryi
Camponotus chromaiodes 1 queen 1 worker x2
Camponotus chromaiodes 1 queen 150 workers
Camponotus castaneus 1 queen 22 workers
Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 1 queen 3 workers
And finally, last but definitely not least, Camponotus pennsylvanicus 1 queen 12 workers with some really really pretty workers.
Edited by OiledOlives, October 19 2022 - 7:05 AM.
Wow I did not think that lasius clavger where that rare
They aren't, I just don't catch as many because they fly in November and my anting excitement runs out in mid-June after Formica flights.
Pace yourself. Nobody said you had to collect all those.
Wants (Please reach out if you have them for sale if you’re in the US): Acromyrmex Sp., Atta Sp., Cephalotes Sp., Myrmecocystus Sp (Prefer Mexicanus), Odontomachus Sp. (Prefer Desertorum), Pachycondyla Sp., Pheidole Sp (Prefer Rhea. The bigger the better. Not the tiny bicarinata), Pogonomyrmex Sp (Prefer Badius)., Pseudomyrmex Sp. (Prefer the cute yellow ones)
Edited by OiledOlives, October 19 2022 - 7:06 AM.
Do you have any Pheidole left?
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Yeah, I've got a Pheidole bicarinata colony with 3-400 workers.
Chromaiodes outworld cleaning:
Boosted castaneus a bit:
Cerasi colony I got from a friend:
Minor Update:
I figured out why my C. chromaiodes were in the outworld and dying off even with constant feeding of protein. I put water into their micro feeder instead of sugar water so they had no access to sugars for a week
I ordered some seeds for my bicarinata 8 days ago and they still haven't arrived yet... when my chromaiodes outgrow the Fallen Fortress I'm going to move the bicarinata in there.
I have five different Crematogaster colony and 3 of them enjoy escaping so I have no idea which colony I should put them back in. I might reinforce barriers and stuff when I have free time this weekend.
All Vollenhovia colonies have new eggs! Most are eating very well and their appetite is huge.
I boosted the small C. pennsylvanicus colony I have with around 6 larvae I collected from a huge colony while it was moving them around at night. They've eaten one of them but the others seem to be doing fine. Three of the 12 workers are very pretty, with reddish gasters and golden hairs. The queen looks nice as well.
New current ant list:
C. chromaiodes - 200-300 workers - The queen and some of the workers want to hibernate but a lot of pupae still have not eclosed yet. I will wait around 2 more weeks for the pupae to eclose and then I will put them into the fridge.
C. chromaiodes - 60-70 workers - growing strong, currently in the among us nest
C. chromaiodes - 1-15 workers x15 - doing well, most still have a bunch of brood
C. nearcticus - 10 major colony - These get hungry really quickly and I have been feeding them a bunch of sugar once every two days
C. nearcticus - 2-5 workers x12 - These have been less annoying than last year and have pretty good feeding responses
N. flavipes - 1-5 workers x8 - these are all doing well with a lot of brood. some of the solo queens have been randomly dying, but once they get workers, it seems like the success rate jumps.
Pheidole morrisii - 200 workers - These have crashed recently, but have now been steadily growing in their Mini Hearth
Vollenhovia emeryi - 50+ queens 800+ workers - After I combined them a couple queens and a bunch of workers were culled, but I am no longer seeing dead workers being carried around. They easily take 3+ crickets per day.
Pheidole bicarinata - 500 workers - easily taking 4 crickets per day
Formica subsericea - 100 workers - I recently got this colony. They are eating very well but, like all Formica, go batshit crazy every time anything happens.
Aphaenogaster lamellidens - 6 workers - I got this colony from the same guy I got the Formica from. This has been a species that I've wanted for a while.
Aphaenogaster tennesseensis - 40 workers - I got this colony from Tbone (AnthonyP163 here) and had barely any brood when I got them. I boosted them with a bunch of brood from a wild colony so hopefully they like that.
Monomorium minimum - I split these up because they got way too annoying and began escaping
Pogonomyrmex occidentalis - 50 workers - These have been doing great recently. They have a nice brood pile and should do great this year.
Camponotus castaneus - 15 workers - These crashed because I threw a 2021 queen into their nest after seeing a picture of poly casta just an hour or two north of where I live. It did not go well.
I also have A. rudis x6, Myrmica, C. novaeboracensis, 2q C. lineolata, and some other colonies, but that would be too long of a post.
Pheidole morrisii:
Pheidole morrisii colony.JPG
Pheidole morrisii queen.JPG
Camponotus chromaiodes major:Camponotus chromaiodes major.JPG
Pogonomyrmex occidentalis:Pogonomyrmex occidentalis colony.JPG
Pheidole bicarinata:Pheidole bicarinata.JPG
Pheidole bicarinata larvae.JPG
Pheidole bicarinata pupae.JPG
Pheidole bicarinata pupae2.JPG
Aphaenogaster rudis:Aphaenogaster rudis queen with worker.JPG
Aphaenogaster rudis bent.JPG
Vollenhovia emeryi:Vollenhovia emeryi colony.JPG
Camponotus caryae:Camponotus caryae side.JPG
Solenopsis molesta:Solenopsis molesta carpet.JPG
Temnothorax longispinosus:Temnothorax longispinosus side.JPG
Temnothorax longispinosus top.JPG
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