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Bugging3out's Black crazy ant (Paratechina Longicornis) journal

ants ant keeping black crazy ants tropical ants florida antkeeping paratrechina longicornis exotic ants exoticants

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#1 Offline Bugging3out - Posted December 16 2021 - 7:20 AM


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So, as you may know or not know I am in Florida currently. I was searching around this tree for ants. I found a massive black crazy ant colony. I caught as many as I could possibly fit in my aspiaror. I found only 1 queen with a ton of larvae and pupae. Wait for it. And a estimate of 2,500 workers. Right now I have them in a tiny outworld with 2 test tubes connected. There is one massive container that I put workers in, that's connected to the outworld. The big containers purpose is for me to put new colonies into so the colony just becomes a massive super colony with tons of queens and masses of workers. So far they are doing well with queen laying eggs every 3-4 hours. I will do video now. Thank you for reading and please give any advice on these ants because I am a first time ant keeper for this species. I do have 2 years of experience with general ants. Have a good rest of your week. Will be posting update when I get back to New york with them.
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peace!  :afro:

#2 Offline antsriondel - Posted December 16 2021 - 7:29 AM


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Edited by antsriondel, December 17 2021 - 11:31 AM.

#3 Offline antsriondel - Posted December 16 2021 - 7:35 AM


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Edited by antsriondel, December 17 2021 - 11:29 AM.

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#4 Offline Manitobant - Posted December 16 2021 - 7:57 AM


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Will be posting update when I get back to New york with them.

isn't it illegal to bring ants from other countries to the United States?????????
lets not start a native vs exotic debate and trash this thread please. The forum has had enough drama lately.
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#5 Offline antsriondel - Posted December 16 2021 - 8:20 AM


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Edited by antsriondel, December 17 2021 - 11:29 AM.

#6 Offline Antkeeper01 - Posted December 16 2021 - 9:28 AM


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So, as you may know or not know I am in Florida currently. I was searching around this tree for ants. I found a massive black crazy ant colony. I caught as many as I could possibly fit in my aspiaror. I found only 1 queen with a ton of larvae and pupae. Wait for it. And a estimate of 2,500 workers. Right now I have them in a tiny outworld with 2 test tubes connected. There is one massive container that I put workers in, that's connected to the outworld. The big containers purpose is for me to put new colonies into so the colony just becomes a massive super colony with tons of queens and masses of workers. So far they are doing well with queen laying eggs every 3-4 hours. I will do video now. Thank you for reading and please give any advice on these ants because I am a first time ant keeper for this species. I do have 2 years of experience with general ants. Have a good rest of your week. Will be posting update when I get back to New york with them.

why? just why? you are probably gonna get banned

1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers

1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)

Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.


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#7 Offline Manitobant - Posted December 16 2021 - 10:22 AM


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So, as you may know or not know I am in Florida currently. I was searching around this tree for ants. I found a massive black crazy ant colony. I caught as many as I could possibly fit in my aspiaror. I found only 1 queen with a ton of larvae and pupae. Wait for it. And a estimate of 2,500 workers. Right now I have them in a tiny outworld with 2 test tubes connected. There is one massive container that I put workers in, that's connected to the outworld. The big containers purpose is for me to put new colonies into so the colony just becomes a massive super colony with tons of queens and masses of workers. So far they are doing well with queen laying eggs every 3-4 hours. I will do video now. Thank you for reading and please give any advice on these ants because I am a first time ant keeper for this species. I do have 2 years of experience with general ants. Have a good rest of your week. Will be posting update when I get back to New york with them.

why? just why? you are probably gonna get banned
formiculture doesn’t ban keeping and showcasing illegal ants. However, what is considered bad is publicly selling these ants on the forum.
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#8 Offline ryanp347 - Posted December 16 2021 - 10:35 AM


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I don't see where he says he is bringing ants from different states or countries to new ones. He just said he was in Florida and found some black crazy ants, not that be brought them back to New York. Maybe I'm missing something though

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#9 Offline ryanp347 - Posted December 16 2021 - 10:37 AM


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OOOOHH now I saw it lmao Sounds sketchy for sure



 Will be posting update when I get back to New york with them.

isn't it illegal to bring ants from other countries to the United States?????????


Edited by ryanp347, December 16 2021 - 10:37 AM.

#10 Offline antsriondel - Posted December 16 2021 - 10:51 AM


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Edited by antsriondel, December 17 2021 - 11:28 AM.

#11 Offline PaigeX - Posted December 16 2021 - 11:38 AM


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Edited by PaigeX, December 17 2021 - 4:29 PM.

Favourite Genus: Polyrhachis 

Journal: Main

Instagram: australian_polyrhachis


May God Bless you.

#12 Offline Manitobant - Posted December 16 2021 - 12:44 PM


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This thread has been completely trashed now, good job guys! I wouldn’t mind if it becomes a full on drama fest now.
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#13 Offline Antkeeper01 - Posted December 16 2021 - 1:30 PM


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So, as you may know or not know I am in Florida currently. I was searching around this tree for ants. I found a massive black crazy ant colony. I caught as many as I could possibly fit in my aspiaror. I found only 1 queen with a ton of larvae and pupae. Wait for it. And a estimate of 2,500 workers. Right now I have them in a tiny outworld with 2 test tubes connected. There is one massive container that I put workers in, that's connected to the outworld. The big containers purpose is for me to put new colonies into so the colony just becomes a massive super colony with tons of queens and masses of workers. So far they are doing well with queen laying eggs every 3-4 hours. I will do video now. Thank you for reading and please give any advice on these ants because I am a first time ant keeper for this species. I do have 2 years of experience with general ants. Have a good rest of your week. Will be posting update when I get back to New york with them.



I don't see where he says he is bringing ants from different states or countries to new ones. He just said he was in Florida and found some black crazy ants, not that be brought them back to New York. Maybe I'm missing something though.

Its the first quote

1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers

1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)

Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.


My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube....kUjx-dPFMyVqOLw


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#14 Offline ryanp347 - Posted December 16 2021 - 2:15 PM


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"In the United States, the crazy ant has widespread population from Florida to South Carolina and west to Texas. It commonly is found in residences and warehouses over much of the eastern United States (Creighton 1950) and in California and Arizona (Trager 1984). Populations are also reported from Hawaii, Missouri, Virginia, New York and Massachusetts. In Canada, it has been reported in Quebec and Ontario (Wetterer 2008)." -some article online


Soooo they are found in New York and Florida already. Is it still a nono even if the species you're transporting is found in your home state? Either way I agree, probably not the best place for a debate. Oops.

#15 Offline Antkeeper01 - Posted December 16 2021 - 2:23 PM


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"In the United States, the crazy ant has widespread population from Florida to South Carolina and west to Texas. It commonly is found in residences and warehouses over much of the eastern United States (Creighton 1950) and in California and Arizona (Trager 1984). Populations are also reported from Hawaii, Missouri, Virginia, New York and Massachusetts. In Canada, it has been reported in Quebec and Ontario (Wetterer 2008)." -some article online


Soooo they are found in New York and Florida already. Is it still a nono even if the species you're transporting is found in your home state? Either way I agree, probably not the best place for a debate. Oops.

yeah same thing with having to get permits for natives which is bs but the USDA is the USDA :(

1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers

1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)

Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.


My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube....kUjx-dPFMyVqOLw


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#16 Offline PaigeX - Posted December 16 2021 - 4:04 PM


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Edited by PaigeX, December 17 2021 - 4:29 PM.

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Favourite Genus: Polyrhachis 

Journal: Main

Instagram: australian_polyrhachis


May God Bless you.

#17 Offline Manitobant - Posted December 16 2021 - 4:40 PM


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That's what I was thinking. Its like it does not matter because the ants are already there in mass in that state but the legal side cares.  :thinking:
I guess its up to this: Wanna face a fine (if caught)? Wanna face escapees adding to the mass invasive population already there? 
If we were to talk about fire ant, electric ants, yellow crazy ants here in Australia and them being in QLD. They are banned under all areas and are encouraged to report nests/ infestations to the Gov.
But other reported invasive kinds are so well rooted in Australia its like it does not matter. Normal transport applies. (to other states.) Only places you found out about them is pest removal sites. (control pests in houses)
However WA and NT (states) have a ban on all transports of anything alive (unless have permit) so can't send them there anyway.

are you allowed to keep those invasives in queensland in the area they were caught or are they completely illegal to own?
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#18 Offline PaigeX - Posted December 16 2021 - 6:42 PM


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Edited by PaigeX, December 17 2021 - 4:29 PM.

  • Antkeeper01 likes this

Favourite Genus: Polyrhachis 

Journal: Main

Instagram: australian_polyrhachis


May God Bless you.

#19 Offline Bugging3out - Posted December 17 2021 - 4:10 AM


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Okay let me say one thing. You're all ****ing me off. About, I don't know 70% of you live in cold places and have atta leafcutters. And you say you have a permit. Yeah right let me just believe that. Give me one good reason why I am different from any other with my ants. And I see black crazy ants in buffalo New York. And I am exited to make a journal about them because buffalo, New York is 7-8 hours away from me. So you all need just to stop.
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peace!  :afro:

#20 Offline Bugging3out - Posted December 17 2021 - 4:16 AM


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And, all of you are in tropical places so you're living the good life. Having tons and tons of tropical ants. Me, on no no no. I got slow growing tetrmorium over in New York. So no wonder you're so confident and taking a dump all over my jounal. But if this was you, you wouldn't do the same. Case closed and going to another forum where there are not hordes of jerks.

peace!  :afro:

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ants, ant keeping, black crazy ants, tropical ants, florida, antkeeping, paratrechina longicornis, exotic ants, exoticants

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