A place to leave reviews of our products/colonies for those who have placed orders.
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When I bought my lasius americanus colony not even one worker arrived dead, the liquid feeders I bought worked great the nest I bought has yet to be used because the lasius queen has too big of a gaster to fit but next year I will move ants in. and excellent customer service
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube....kUjx-dPFMyVqOLw
Join Our Fledgling Discord Server https://discord.com/...089056687423489
My Lasius Colony is still doing great and I ordered them a couple months ago! 10/10!
My YouTube Channel.
My Ant Store: https://www.missouriantshop.com/
I ordered a Rock Nest Small and a pack of liquid feeders several months back.
Nest review:
The nest is pretty but it can be confusing to assemble, similar to other acrylic nests. I kept a small colony of F. fusca-group in the nest (1 queen, 15 workers). Their brood was growing very quick until I overwatered the nest and, like other acrylic nests, water condensated in small drops on many parts of the nest and killed most of the brood. Instead of doubling in growth, their worker count fell down to two.
The next colony I am keeping in the nest is a Monomorium cf. minimum colony. So far, they are doing good in the nest and there do not appear to be any obvious holes from which they can escape from. I am being careful to not overwater the nest now.
Liquid feeder review:
These are very easy for larger ants to drink from. The base is brittle and started cracking after 2-3 months of use. One of the four is cracked and the other is cracking. (I used sugar water) He has told me that he has begun to use strong material for the bases, however.
Would recommend nests due to how pretty they are, but I would add a little bit of substrate in order to combat issues with water.
Edited by OiledOlives, April 26 2022 - 9:05 AM.
Liquid feeder review:
These are very easy for larger ants to drink from. The base is brittle and started cracking after 2-3 months of use. One of the four is cracked and the other is cracking. (I used sugar water) He has told me that he has begun to use strong material for the bases, however.94618E64-CA24-471B-86F1-4609AE6A7634 (1).jpeg
Cracking buckeyemyrmecology liquid feeder in my chromaiodes outworld. It will probably break the next time I refill it.
What is the base printed with? If it's doing that, it sounds like it might be PLA. PLA will literally start to crumble like a cookie when it gets old and is in contact with water.
Liquid feeder review:
These are very easy for larger ants to drink from. The base is brittle and started cracking after 2-3 months of use. One of the four is cracked and the other is cracking. (I used sugar water) He has told me that he has begun to use strong material for the bases, however.94618E64-CA24-471B-86F1-4609AE6A7634 (1).jpeg
Cracking buckeyemyrmecology liquid feeder in my chromaiodes outworld. It will probably break the next time I refill it.
What is the base printed with. If it's doing that, it sounds like it might be PLA. PLA will literally start to crumble like a cookie when it gets old and is in contact with water.
Yeah I learnt this as well. Not to mention it's terrible for printing. All my printers drag the filament around and ruin whatever I'm printing half the time. I've tried making the bed more "sticky" and screwed with the settings such as the axis and speed as well as temperature. I hate it. What do you use for filament out of curiosity?
Edited by T.C., April 26 2022 - 11:21 PM.
Liquid feeder review:
These are very easy for larger ants to drink from. The base is brittle and started cracking after 2-3 months of use. One of the four is cracked and the other is cracking. (I used sugar water) He has told me that he has begun to use strong material for the bases, however.
Cracking buckeyemyrmecology liquid feeder in my chromaiodes outworld. It will probably break the next time I refill it.Would recommend nests due to how pretty they are, but I would add a little bit of substrate in order to combat issues with water.
Sorry for the late response, we have developed a stronger design for the feeder bases, and we will be switching to ABS filament as well. I believe the problem was simply wear and tear from screwing bottles in and out of the base, rather than water damage.
For 3 out of the 4 liquid feeders, I only took off the base 1-3 times.
Edited by asim, October 28 2023 - 10:00 AM.
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