1. Location of collection: Ice House Canyon, Mt. Baldy, California.
2. Date of collection: 5-28-2015.
3. Habitat of collection: Pine/Oak Forest.
4. Length (from head to gaster): 11mm
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: Dark red head and legs. Very dark red--almost black thorax and gaster.
ID Thread: http://www.formicult...y-ca-5-29-2015/
I found this Myrmecocystus mimicus queen 5-28-2015, in Mt. Baldy, California, which is about 6000 feet up in the mountains, in a pine/oak forest. I dug it up from a founding chamber I saw in a tiny patch of dirt alongside the creek.

I put it in one of my ant farm boxes, but it died not too long after.