Hi guys!!
this is where I will update most of my ant colonys and post photos of them
right now I don't have any photos to show but there will be some soon!!!!!!!
Edited by antsriondel, October 24 2022 - 9:31 AM.
Hi guys!!
this is where I will update most of my ant colonys and post photos of them
right now I don't have any photos to show but there will be some soon!!!!!!!
Edited by antsriondel, October 24 2022 - 9:31 AM.
the first two photos are of my formica cf fusca
the next photo is of my Liometopum luctuosum
the next two photos are of my lasius brevicornis
then my Camponotus Modoc colony
then my brothers colony of formica cf fusca
and the final two photos are of my sisters Camponotus Modoc
if I am wrong on their identification please feel free to correct me
try to find the lasius queens eggs
ok. there is good news and bad news both regarding the same colony.
I will start with the bad news, today when I went to check on the colony's I saw that the cotton plugging the Liometopum queens test tube was not inside the test tube checked for the queen.she was gone
then I looked for the queen with my brother.... no luck then comes the good news my brother says he spots something I run over to check it out and there is the queen unharmed and doing fine so I grab a test tube and put her in. lets hope she lives
Edited by antsriondel, December 4 2021 - 11:53 AM.
lasius queen layed more eggs!!!!!!!!
Edited by antsriondel, December 7 2021 - 5:07 PM.
update 10/12/2021
okay all of my colony are alive
lasius brevicornis: I think that she has a larva but I am not 100 percent sure but that's because she is so small and I don't have a macro lense to take close ups
liometopum luctuosum: nothing has happened with this queen
Camponotus Modoc: they are still alive but other than that nothing has happened
formica cf fusa: they are way more active now that they have learned where they get food
monomorium cf minimum: they have not been updated at all so I might as well update them. The queen is healthy and has a nice amount of brood although she has no workers her first worker escaped their setup so they now have zero workers but more are on the way.
edit: ok it is confirmed the lasius queen has a larvae!!!!!!!
Edited by antsriondel, December 12 2021 - 2:05 PM.
lasius brevicornis queens larvae is bigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I checked on all of the queens today so I might as well update
lasius brevicornis: this colony is doing great!! they now have three mid-sized larva!!!!
liometopum luctuosum: I have lost all hope for this colony the queen sits on the cotton blocking the exit so I am expecting to any day now find the queen dead
formica cf subserica: this colony is also doing good they still have seven workers and the queen is so fat that every time she moves I think she's going to burst
monomorium cf minimum: I cannot see any brood when I see her but I think she has hided them.
Camponotus Modoc: they have zero eggs larvae or pupae and they only have one worker
lasius queen ate all of her larvae yet she still has some eggs.
liometopum: dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so mad right now!!!
lasius: has a few eggs
formica cf subserica: doing really well!!
hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!
lasius: she ate her eggs
monomorium: I forgot to water her setup so when I checked on her today I was shocked that she was still alive
Camponotus: nothing has changed except I moved her into an esthetic ants mini outworld
formica: they are doing good although they have had no progress.
nice colonies!
nice colonies!
okay today I checked on my formica in the mini hearth. They had at least five larvae!!!!!!!
here are some photos of the formica cf subsericea
sorry for the sideway pics
I feel our Lasius queens are racing. Some of mine were just took out of hibernation with few to no eggs.
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