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Reseller wanted for the US Market / ant keeping equipment

ant keeping nests ant shop ants formicarium antstore antcube antfarm outernest arena

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#1 Offline Antcube - Posted December 2 2021 - 4:52 AM



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  • 105 posts
  • LocationBerlin / Germany

Hello everybody, my name is André, I am the representative of the company Antstore in Germany / Berlin.

I would like to use the opportunity to those amongst you, who don't know us yet to introduce you to our new website , which you will find at https://antcube.shop/de


Since we are interested to raise more attention to the subject of antkeeping, also to non awared people, we are looking for partners / resellers who would not only sale our products in verious countries (excluding Canada & Australia) more so also to share knowledge of ants to open people.


Feel free to contact me at sales@antcube.de or a.luther@ants.de



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  • Starter Set Regenwald-1.jpg

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ant keeping, nests, ant shop, ants, formicarium, antstore, antcube, antfarm, outernest, arena

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