What items do you keep handy for "ant emergencies" (and what emergencies is it best to be prepared for)
Here is my list:
- asperator: Catching ants without hurting them is hard. What will you do if they escape? If the nest is knocked over? I'm so glad I got one early.
- Extra nests in a few relevant sizes. Normally you should end up with some extras as you learn to make and buy nests, but if one of your nests is damaged or compromised it's nice to be able to move the colony to a new clean nest without much fuss.
- Long tweezers. Great for fetching items out of the nest with minimal fuss
- shelf safe ant food alternatives. insects are best... but having some foods you know your ants enjoy that will keep under any conditions is wise.
- Paint brush. A gentle way to move ants and brood. Also useful for cleaning.
What else?