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Hibernating fledgling colonies

tetromorium immigrans hibernation beginner fledgling colonies

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#1 Offline AntTitan - Posted November 15 2021 - 10:34 AM


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Can you hibernate your ants in a normal household fridge, or would that be too cold for them in which I should find other ways to hibernate them?

Is their a optimum degree or degree range at which I should set my fridge to best suit my ants for hibernation?


I am relatively new ant keeper, I've had interests in keeping ants for years but have only recently actually have colonies, I had a fledgling colony of crematogaster last year but they unfornuanly died due to dehydration. This year though I caught a ton of tetromorium immigrans queens and have several fledgling colonies that are doing well and have 10-30 workers in each that I am keeping in AntsCanada ant portals. I have never previously hibernated my ants because my previous colony only had a couple workers and I was scared the colony was too small and would die off. I live in Idaho, in North America by the way, and so this year with several small colonies I'm going to hibernate them. They already are eating less, and brood production/development has already slowed down to almost a stop.

#2 Offline Manitobant - Posted November 15 2021 - 11:05 AM


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A fridge is by far the best way to hibernate ants in my experience. One of the good things about them is that you can adjust the temperature and experiment with what your ants like best. I usually start with the fridge on its warmest setting and gradually get colder over around 2 weeks, though be sure not to make it too cold.
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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tetromorium immigrans, hibernation, beginner, fledgling colonies

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