Update #1: April 22, 2022
Disclaimer: I have not taken good care of these ants the past months (I've been really busy for the past few months and because of this I neglected my ants), and a few of the workers of most of the colonies died off. I've had a lot of extra free time on my hands as of late, and I have started to care for them better. Also brachymyrmex completely died off due to mold. In the future, I'll be sure to take care of my colonies regardless of how busy I am. Also when I say formerly I mean before I started neglecting them. Now let's begin.
Pogonomyrmex californicus (formerly at 25-30 workers): Today these girls are at about 15-20 workers. The queen has been quite busy though. I've been feeding them about every other day with mostly protein, and as a result the queen has went to work. She went on an egg laying spree, and I estimate about 20-30 eggs/young larvae. I've been feeding them a variety of seeds that they seldom accept (I'm trying to figure out what they like most), and mostly earwigs lately. They have been enjoying the earwigs a lot and always consumed them within a few hours of me giving them the food. I'm going to purchase a heating cable to speed up the eggs maturing, and some crickets and fruit flys. I hope the heat and a larger variety of insects will help them out. 
Camponotus vicinus (formerly at 6 workers): Now this colony is sadly down to three workers and only 4 larvae, 3 of them relatively young and 1 much larger. So far the queen hasn't been laying any eggs, but she is beginning to become psycogastric (sorry for bad spelling,) so I hope she will lay some eggs. I've been feeding mostly superworms lately, but they are beginning to become tired of it. The larger variety of feeders I will be purchasing will surely help these girls out.
I also have another camponotus vicinus queen, who used to have one worker but is now alone. To my suprise she still has not died, but she isn't accepting any form of food. She also has no brood.
Camponotus semitestaceus/sansabeanus (formerly at 2 workers): Both of this queen's workers have died off and she has no brood. She is extremely psycogastric but she is yet to lay any eggs.
Edited by Dumpling, April 22 2022 - 5:57 PM.