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2 replies to this topic

#1 Offline clarkadarkadark - Posted September 30 2021 - 7:42 AM



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Hey everyone.


My new ant colony have around 30 eggs sitting in the nest that haven't grown in around 3-4 months... I can't tell if they are dead or developing really slowly. I live in the UK and my ant colony are Camponotus Ligniperda. Would it be due to a lower temperature climate here that they are developing very slowly. 


I got my ants around March/April time this year and when they arrived i had the Queen with 4 workers and a brood of around 6 eggs. These eggs developed very slowly but they did develop. 4 of them hatched and with that one of the original workers died which I assume was of old age.


One egg remained and didn't hatch for a long time. Eventually it did as the large egg had disappeared and the ant inside it was no where to be found. I think the ants might have actually eaten it.


Currently I'm trying to feed them crushed mealworms but they just drag them into the nest and leave it in a dumping area which goes all mouldy now... The section where they stay doesn't have mould but the mould could creep around if they keep dragging the mealworms in... For sugar I put some sugar water into a feeding area outside the nest which I feel they rearely come out for? Maybe that's part of the issue.


I'd appreciate any tips in the matter which might help these eggs develop quicker. I'm also aware its around the time that they hibernate so will the eggs just die and not develop during hibernation? I have no idea! I would love to see the colony grow. I don't mind growing slowly but no growth at all in months seems strange. Currently I have the queen, 8 workers and around 30 tiny eggs.


Thanks fellow ant keepers! 


#2 Offline TestSubjectOne - Posted September 30 2021 - 8:08 AM


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Growth that slow is certainly unusual. You should hibernate them over winter, but I would recommend that you use a heat pad or cable to warm a section of their nest before then. If they are being fed sugars and protein, and are getting watered then most likely lack of heat is what's causing their lack of growth. Good luck.

TestSubjectOne's Experiences in Antkeeping General Journal


Currently Keeping:

- Veromessor pergandei (1 queen, 600 workers)

- Novomessor cockerelli (1 queen, 200 workers)

- Myrmecocystus mexicanus (1 queen, 100 workers)

- Brachymyrmex patagonicus (3 queens?, 2,000 workers? & alates)

- Crematogaster sp. (1 queen, 600 workers)

- Liometopum occidentale (1 queen, 800 workers)

- Camponotus absqualator (1 queen, 130 workers)

#3 Offline Manitobant - Posted September 30 2021 - 2:59 PM


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They are probably waiting until after hibernation. Stick them in the fridge for a few months and the brood should start growing again.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotus ligniperda, founding ant colony, queen ant, starting my ant colony, my new ant colony, dead eggs, are my ant eggs dead, how to check if your ant eggs, looking after ants in the uk, dead ants, my ants dont do much

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