So, I've gotten a mini fridge that can be set at 68F, then moved down to 58 slowly over a few weeks. Some of my colonies are small enough to just go in without any changes. But for my camponotus discolor I'm thinking I will get them all into their wooden nests, move the wooden nests to a smaller outworld box that will fit in the fridge, then asperator up any stragglers.
For one of my carpenter ant colonies, I'm going to do something similar, so their outworld will change right before it starts to get cold.
I also thought I might put them in for about 6 hours. Check on them, let them warm a bit ... then 12 hours then 24 ... then two or three days.
I'm going to offer food as well.
None of my colonies have "slowed down" They all still have eggs, larva and pupae. Is that a big problem?
Oh. And I must make it so they all have access to unlimited water if they want.
I have:
Camponotus pennsylvanicus (MUST diapause)
Camponotus discolor (diapause is good)
Lasius Neoniger (I assume they need it???)
Nylandria (???)
Pogonomyrmex Oc. (books say yes, but I'm very worried about how to pack them up... they are such a huge raging mess of a colony)
Should I also put my test tube queens in the fridge?
It'd help to read about how people who have done this several times get ready, how do you pack the ants? How often do you check on them?