Hello everyone. I'm Herdo from the Greater Phoenix area and I am pretty much brand new to the hobby. I've been interested in ants my whole life, but started to look into it about a year ago. I got disinterested because I was under the impression finding a queen would be an extremely difficult task. A few days ago I kept finding dead queens floating in my pool. I mistook them for baby yellow-jackets because I had recently found a yellow-jacket nest in my yard. After thinking about it for a while I realized the color, size, and overall shape was entirely wrong and they couldn't be yellow-jackets. I then remembered what I had learned previously about winged ants and realized I had some queens on my hands. At that point I realized they weren't as rare as I had previously thought so since then I've been reading and watching as much about ants as I can.
I ordered some test tubes and some featherweight forceps from Amazon which have already arrived (hooray for free one day shipping!) I'm going to start looking for some queens probably tomorrow morning. The ant queens I keep finding lots of are in the genus Pheidole and I've also found a couple smaller black queens and winged males of an unknown genus/species.
I'm very excited and I can't wait to get started.