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AntsEmporium Reviews

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64 replies to this topic

#41 Offline ZTYguy - Posted April 26 2022 - 6:06 PM


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You seem to know much more than all of us. I'm surprised you needed a disclaimer.

You should make him a mod here. We can learn a bunch from him. Lol
But could a mod delete some of the posts to clear this up.
  • OiledOlives likes this
Currently: Considering moving to Australia
Reason: Myrmecia

#42 Offline NicholasP - Posted April 29 2022 - 6:56 AM



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You don't take returns after the queen arrives alive youre gonna refund someone 2 months later after their queen is still alive and not founding? You don't know if the queen is fertilized that brood could be drones, yes experienced keepers know not to buy queens without workers, and we can found them generally, but some of your customers are getting into the hobby. Takes 2 months and you make more money. At least put a disclaimer that these queens may not be fertilized and may not found, that it's a risk buying queens without workers.

Why don't you tell us how many colonies you've kept so far? You seem to know a lot of things that you think some of the most experienced ant keepers don't know.

Edited by NicholasP, April 29 2022 - 7:28 AM.


#43 Offline ANTdrew - Posted April 29 2022 - 12:42 PM


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I’m feeling like locking this thread.
  • nurbs likes this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#44 Offline nurbs - Posted April 29 2022 - 12:46 PM


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I’m feeling like locking this thread.


There's way too much nonsense in this hobby. I tire of it.

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#45 Offline ANTdrew - Posted April 29 2022 - 1:07 PM


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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#46 Offline RoseM - Posted May 17 2022 - 6:41 PM



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I ordered 2 sansabeanus queens from antsemporium as well as some of the little feeders, while there was a delay in the shipping they were excellent about why there was a delay (was out of their control!), replied to my messaged quickly and were totally willing to work with me to make sure I could be home when they were delivered. The queens arrived quickly and were well packaged, I have had both now for about 5 days and they are doing very well! I look forward to ordering again in the future :)

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#47 Offline That_one_ant_guy - Posted July 21 2022 - 10:11 AM


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I had recently bought a Myrmecocystus mimicus queen on July 14 for $90 and about 13 hours later Emailed them if we would be able to get refund it was Friday (a business day) and no reply, Monday-wendsday no reply. Today me and my dad were about to contact PayPal for a refund, but then AE refunded, but only $75.IMG_20220721_110416.jpg
Me and my dad concluding that the only logical reason was because we wasted their time, like what the heck? At most the queen was ready to go in the box. You really need $15 to take it out of the box???
  • Antkeeper01 likes this

#48 Offline aznphenom - Posted July 21 2022 - 10:30 AM


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I am assuming it has been shipped so he's keeping the shipping cost.

Keeps: Camponotus, Tetra

Wants (Please reach out if you have them for sale if you’re in the US): Acromyrmex Sp., Atta Sp., Cephalotes Sp., Myrmecocystus Sp (Prefer Mexicanus), Odontomachus Sp. (Prefer Desertorum), Pachycondyla Sp., Pheidole Sp (Prefer Rhea. The bigger the better. Not the tiny bicarinata), Pogonomyrmex Sp (Prefer Badius)., Pseudomyrmex Sp. (Prefer the cute yellow ones)


#49 Offline That_one_ant_guy - Posted July 21 2022 - 10:37 AM


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No he didn't ship, the queen was 50 and the shipping was 40
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#50 Offline TacticalHandleGaming - Posted July 21 2022 - 11:18 AM


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I had recently bought a Myrmecocystus mimicus queen on July 14 for $90 and about 13 hours later Emailed them if we would be able to get refund it was Friday (a business day) and no reply, Monday-wendsday no reply. Today me and my dad were about to contact PayPal for a refund, but then AE refunded, but only $75.attachicon.gifIMG_20220721_110416.jpg
Me and my dad concluding that the only logical reason was because we wasted their time, like what the heck? At most the queen was ready to go in the box. You really need $15 to take it out of the box???


It's standard for most webstores to charge a 10-15% restocking fee when you cancel an order. I don't know what their policy is, but it seems more than fair. 

  • Antkeeper01, OiledOlives and FloridaAnts like this

Currently kept species

L. neoniger, P. occidentalis, C. modoc, C. novaeboracensis, C. vicinus, T. immigrans, A. occidentalis, S. molesta, P. imparis, M. kennedyi, M semirufus, F. pacifica, P. californica, M. ergatogyna.


Previously kept species

T. rugatulus, B. depilis.


Looking for

Myrmecocystus pyramicus, Myrmecocystus testaceus

Pheidole creightoni, Pheidole inquilina, Crematogaster coarctata, Crematogaster mutans

My youtube channel.  My ant Etsy store - Millennium Ants

#51 Offline That_one_ant_guy - Posted July 21 2022 - 11:22 AM


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But there was nothing shipped, meaning nothing to restock

#52 Offline TacticalHandleGaming - Posted July 21 2022 - 11:30 AM


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But there was nothing shipped, meaning nothing to restock


Do you know for a fact they hadn't already packaged your queen for shipment? Again, you chose to cancel, and depending on their terms they can charge a restocking fee. On their disclaimers & permits page it states the following. "All sales final. If you request an Order cancellation a 15% restocking fee will be charged on the total value of the order."

Currently kept species

L. neoniger, P. occidentalis, C. modoc, C. novaeboracensis, C. vicinus, T. immigrans, A. occidentalis, S. molesta, P. imparis, M. kennedyi, M semirufus, F. pacifica, P. californica, M. ergatogyna.


Previously kept species

T. rugatulus, B. depilis.


Looking for

Myrmecocystus pyramicus, Myrmecocystus testaceus

Pheidole creightoni, Pheidole inquilina, Crematogaster coarctata, Crematogaster mutans

My youtube channel.  My ant Etsy store - Millennium Ants

#53 Offline That_one_ant_guy - Posted July 21 2022 - 11:54 AM


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Look at it this way, even if we canceled it with like 60 seconds he would've still charged %15, yea sure he has the legal right to do it, but it's not very moral and there's no reason to do it.

#54 Offline TacticalHandleGaming - Posted July 21 2022 - 12:11 PM


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Considering most of that is likely just to cover the fees paypal charged him as a business for your transaction. It's more than fair, he has a disclaimer stating the fee reasoning. As someone that ran a business, I understand why he does such. It's annoying and it costs the business money every time a customer does something like this. 

  • Zeiss, YsTheAnt, TennesseeAnts and 2 others like this

Currently kept species

L. neoniger, P. occidentalis, C. modoc, C. novaeboracensis, C. vicinus, T. immigrans, A. occidentalis, S. molesta, P. imparis, M. kennedyi, M semirufus, F. pacifica, P. californica, M. ergatogyna.


Previously kept species

T. rugatulus, B. depilis.


Looking for

Myrmecocystus pyramicus, Myrmecocystus testaceus

Pheidole creightoni, Pheidole inquilina, Crematogaster coarctata, Crematogaster mutans

My youtube channel.  My ant Etsy store - Millennium Ants

#55 Offline B_rad0806 - Posted July 21 2022 - 2:11 PM


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Jit still complaining after he got his refund

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#56 Offline TennesseeAnts - Posted July 22 2022 - 12:33 PM


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You said it in your original comment;

You wasted their time. I don't know about you, but I'd say time is pretty costly. While you canceled that order he could have been selling that colony to someone else that would've went through with it.
  • ZTYguy, TacticalHandleGaming, FloridaAnts and 1 other like this

#57 Offline That_one_ant_guy - Posted July 22 2022 - 1:34 PM


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You said it in your original comment;

You wasted their time. I don't know about you, but I'd say time is pretty costly. While you canceled that order he could have been selling that colony to someone else that would've went through with it.

may I also remind you that he never even answered the emails we sent him, and only til yesterday did he finally cancel, meaning that if someone else were to order they would still be able to get it because .1 it was cancelled during the weekend, he ships during the week, and .2 I'm assuming he only saw it Thursday, therfore he would be able to see our order, cancel and give it to the next person
Edit: either that or he purposely ignored our emails

Edited by That_one_ant_guy, July 22 2022 - 1:35 PM.

#58 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted July 22 2022 - 3:33 PM


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It doesn't matter what you ask him or what you post here, his rules are his rules. And his rules say there's a 15% fee for order cancellations. It'd be unfair to his other customers who were charged if he were to waive your fee, and you personally know nothing about how much inconvenience this may have caused him. I'd advise against making random assumptions since it's clear they're being made in bad faith.

  • B_rad0806, ZTYguy, OiledOlives and 2 others like this

#59 Offline dspdrew - Posted July 23 2022 - 5:05 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

People have no idea how much of seller's time is wasted by stuff like that. It really starts to add up.

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#60 Offline FinWins - Posted July 23 2022 - 9:11 AM


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But there was nothing shipped, meaning nothing to restock

So my family runs a small business and whenever someone cancels an order it means that they have to send a bunch of time on the computer finding the person’s order, restocking the product and refunding the person’s money. So that is why when someone cancels some businesses charge a restocking fee because if they didn’t they would be practically working for free.

Edited by FinWins, July 23 2022 - 9:15 AM.

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I keep: C. modoc, C. sansabeanus  :D, C. maritimus, Formica argentea, M. mexicanus  :D, Odontomachus brunneus :D, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, 


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