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AntsEmporium Reviews

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64 replies to this topic

#21 Offline PaX - Posted February 24 2022 - 10:37 AM



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Just got my first order from Ant-emporium..   Got Camponotus Discolor 1queen and 100 workers.   Sadly my formicarium is late getting here due to weather so I can't move them out of the test tube yet.  I am having trouble finding the queen in the group or ants not really seeing any that are significantly bigger than the others, but there is a ball of brood inside it so maybe she's just hiding under everyone else.



Packing was done really nicely with foam and bubble wrap... Will keep trying to find my queen.  







Ok update 10/10.. Talked with support really quickly assured me she was there.  Finally found her while they were moving into their new home.




Edited by PaX, February 26 2022 - 6:07 PM.

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#22 Offline Tex-Ant - Posted April 25 2022 - 2:10 PM



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In the Anting Community it is known, you don't sell queens without workers, even Ebay sellers have figured this out. Simply because of the fact without workers they will eat their brood in travel and the buyer has to start from scratch with a stressed out queen, which worsens the odds of a successfully founding a colony. The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony. Seems unethical and a simple cash grab

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#23 Offline T.C. - Posted April 25 2022 - 2:33 PM


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In the Anting Community it is known, you don't sell queens without workers, even Ebay sellers have figured this out. Simply because of the fact without workers they will eat their brood in travel and the buyer has to start from scratch with a stressed out queen, which worsens the odds of a successfully founding a colony. The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony. Seems unethical and a simple cash grab

I don't know, if they do overnight shipping? As a major hobbyist in the arachnid community as well, I will buy nothing without overnight shipping because it's too much stress for whatever your buying. If over night shipping is how it's done, then I don't see much harm. But honestly if that's not the case, I entirely agree with you on it seems unethical. As for a cash grab, most people are just trying to make a little money back on the hobby to cover their losses. As well not everyone has the access or ability to catch queens.

Edited by T.C., April 25 2022 - 2:36 PM.


#24 Offline Zeiss - Posted April 25 2022 - 2:47 PM


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In the Anting Community it is known, you don't sell queens without workers, even Ebay sellers have figured this out. Simply because of the fact without workers they will eat their brood in travel and the buyer has to start from scratch with a stressed out queen, which worsens the odds of a successfully founding a colony. The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony. Seems unethical and a simple cash grab

You aren't familiar with the anting community if you're thinking this.  People buying single queens know the risks usually and want to raise their own colonies from the start.  There is nothing wrong with selling lone queens.


Myself and many other people who collect sell lone queens as it offers a cheaper alternative to colonies with workers.  If the queens end up being successful, the people who bought now have multiple good colonies instead of paying more for an established one.


Brood can be eaten at any point when a colony is stressed even if they have workers, your point here is invalid.

Edited by Zeiss, April 25 2022 - 2:51 PM.

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#25 Offline T.C. - Posted April 25 2022 - 3:14 PM


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In the Anting Community it is known, you don't sell queens without workers, even Ebay sellers have figured this out. Simply because of the fact without workers they will eat their brood in travel and the buyer has to start from scratch with a stressed out queen, which worsens the odds of a successfully founding a colony. The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony. Seems unethical and a simple cash grab

You aren't familiar with the anting community if you're thinking this.  People buying single queens know the risks usually and want to raise their own colonies from the start.  There is nothing wrong with selling lone queens.
Myself and many other people who collect sell lone queens as it offers a cheaper alternative to colonies with workers.  If the queens end up being successful, the people who bought now have multiple good colonies instead of paying more for an established one.
Brood can be eaten at any point when a colony is stressed even if they have workers, your point here is invalid.
Overall zeiss is right. And if you paid the difference I'm sure they could do overnight? People know the risks just like buying anything else.


#26 Offline dspdrew - Posted April 25 2022 - 3:16 PM

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In the Anting Community it is known, you dont sell queens without workers, even Ebay sellers have figured this out.

Known by who? I and many sellers sell queens all the time without workers. If someone wants single queens, I'll sell them single queens. If someone thinks there is a problem with that, I can't help but wonder why they would ask for it.

The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony

This is a pretty ridiculous accusation.
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#27 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted April 25 2022 - 3:27 PM


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I would buy, but the only species available for me is Camponotus pennsylvanicus, which I can find in my own yard. I'm sure it's a good company, but a regional one.

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"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#28 Offline ZTYguy - Posted April 25 2022 - 3:51 PM


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Most people on here have sold single queens with no workers. If you are basing your opinion on eBay sellers then you need to rethink your opinion on the hobby because most of those eBay vendors sell illegally across state borders without proper permits whereas AntsEmporium DO have proper permits, and DO ship and care for ants with the goals of keeping the ants safe and the ants growing. I have purchased from Garret before and he is one of the most level headed mature keepers I have met. Think twice before you accuse someone of wrongdoings.

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#29 Offline OiledOlives - Posted April 25 2022 - 4:56 PM



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In the Anting Community it is known, you don't sell queens without workers, even Ebay sellers have figured this out. Simply because of the fact without workers they will eat their brood in travel and the buyer has to start from scratch with a stressed out queen, which worsens the odds of a successfully founding a colony. The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony. Seems unethical and a simple cash grab

I'm not sure if you've read the title of the topic, but it says "AntsEmporium Reviews". Start a new topic if you want to cause drama instead of cluttering up existing ones.

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#30 Offline UrbanOrganisms - Posted April 25 2022 - 5:35 PM


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Let's not come in here being goofy alright. You come out of the blue attacking AntsEmporium for selling single queens when it's a common practice by both hobbyists and stores alike. As with all things in life, with higher risk comes higher reward. Single queens are priced accordingly, they are cheaper and multiple can often be purchased for the same amount of money as a single established colony. Sure, not all may succeed but it's a risk the buyer assumes, and ultimately most single queens if packed, shipped, and cared for properly will be able to found. In the end no one is holding a gun to your or anyone else's head forcing you to buy singles queens if you're not comfortable with it. If you don't like them, don't buy them  ;)

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#31 Offline attagarrett - Posted April 25 2022 - 7:27 PM



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I don't know, if they do overnight shipping? As a major hobbyist in the arachnid community as well, I will buy nothing without overnight shipping because it's too much stress for whatever your buying. If over night shipping is how it's done, then I don't see much harm. But honestly if that's not the case, I entirely agree with you on it seems unethical. As for a cash grab, most people are just trying to make a little money back on the hobby to cover their losses. As well not everyone has the access or ability to catch queens.


Overnight shipping is offered for all products, and is standard for sensitive species such as leaf cutters and honey pots. It is the only shipping method offered during the summer months. 

I am not sure how it is unethical to sell queens when nearly the entire hobby engages in the practice of selling queens. As a rule of thumb queens start off cheap, and increase in price until they are colonies. Usually on AntsEmporium you are saving between 30-50% off purchasing a queen. As stated above this topic is for reviews, not to cause drama because AntsEmporium is selling queen ants. AntsEmporium is an ant store so I would think it is to be expected to sell queen ants :lol:

 The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony. Seems unethical and a simple cash grab

To address your statement, No where on AntsEmporium does it say you are required to purchase a queen and then have to purchase a colony after. AntsEmporium currently has a 27.63% returning customer rate so in no way do I believe customers are mistreated or schemed into buying more ants.At the end of the day it is an understood "risk"when it comes to purchasing queens, and while extremely rare sometimes a queen does not succeed and AntsEmporium will happily refund the customer if this is the case. 

Before you attack AntsEmporium and other stores/hobbyists alike, please take the time to review common practices in the hobby. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, randomly attacking a business for selling queen ants is not the way to get your point across.  (y)

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#32 Offline T.C. - Posted April 25 2022 - 8:00 PM


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I don't know, if they do overnight shipping? As a major hobbyist in the arachnid community as well, I will buy nothing without overnight shipping because it's too much stress for whatever your buying. If over night shipping is how it's done, then I don't see much harm. But honestly if that's not the case, I entirely agree with you on it seems unethical. As for a cash grab, most people are just trying to make a little money back on the hobby to cover their losses. As well not everyone has the access or ability to catch queens.


Overnight shipping is offered for all products, and is standard for sensitive species such as leaf cutters and honey pots. It is the only shipping method offered during the summer months. 

I am not sure how it is unethical to sell queens when nearly the entire hobby engages in the practice of selling queens. As a rule of thumb queens start off cheap, and increase in price until they are colonies. Usually on AntsEmporium you are saving between 30-50% off purchasing a queen. As stated above this topic is for reviews, not to cause drama because AntsEmporium is selling queen ants. AntsEmporium is an ant store so I would think it is to be expected to sell queen ants :lol: .  




Did you even read what I said? Because if you did, I'm not sure why you would say... "I am not sure how it is unethical to sell queens when nearly the entire hobby engages in the practice of selling queens"    When or how did I suggest that it was unethical to sell them.? I was talking about the duration of the shipping period.  And yes, it is screwed up to send anything in a box for a week at a time getting kicked and beaten around shipped place to place. I learnt this over a decade ago when expensive tarantulas and scorpions would come in dead. However with overnight shipping, it has yet to happen again. To this day anything I send out, and I send out ALOT of various creatures, always goes on overnight shipping. It's the humane thing to do. I don't care what others do, but if I'm buying something alive it comes overnight. Your comment is ridiculous. I was not attempting or participating in the drama in any way. But thanks for your irrelevant comment.


#33 Offline attagarrett - Posted April 25 2022 - 8:24 PM



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I understand the confusion. Your initial response was lead me to believe you were questioning the ethical aspects of selling a queen

No where did he mention Overnight shipping.


In the Anting Community it is known, you don't sell queens without workers, even Ebay sellers have figured this out. Simply because of the fact without workers they will eat their brood in travel and the buyer has to start from scratch with a stressed out queen, which worsens the odds of a successfully founding a colony. The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony. Seems unethical and a simple cash grab


So then you state, "I completely agree it is unethical", and then take the proposition that you are talking about overnight shipping which was not mentioned in Tex-Ant post. Understandably, I decided to address this. Furthermore, you agreeing that,


Overall zeiss is right.


Lead me to believe you were talking about the ethical aspect of selling queens in your comment, since Zeiss comment was strictly regarding the selling of queens, and did not mention overnight shipping.

Sorry for any confusion,  simply defending my stance.

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#34 Offline T.C. - Posted April 25 2022 - 8:35 PM


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I understand the confusion. Your initial response was lead me to believe you were questioning the ethical aspects of selling a queen

No where did he mention Overnight shipping.


In the Anting Community it is known, you don't sell queens without workers, even Ebay sellers have figured this out. Simply because of the fact without workers they will eat their brood in travel and the buyer has to start from scratch with a stressed out queen, which worsens the odds of a successfully founding a colony. The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony. Seems unethical and a simple cash grab


So then you state, "I completely agree it is unethical", and then take the proposition that you are talking about overnight shipping which was not mentioned in Tex-Ant post. Understandably, I decided to address this. Furthermore, you agreeing that,


Overall zeiss is right.


Lead me to believe you were talking about the ethical aspect of selling queens in your comment, since Zeiss comment was strictly regarding the selling of queens, and did not mention overnight shipping.

Sorry for any confusion,  simply defending my stance.


Fair enough. My apologies.

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#35 Offline B_rad0806 - Posted April 25 2022 - 10:00 PM


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In the Anting Community it is known, you don't sell queens without workers, even Ebay sellers have figured this out. Simply because of the fact without workers they will eat their brood in travel and the buyer has to start from scratch with a stressed out queen, which worsens the odds of a successfully founding a colony. The owner knows this and counts on it, since they will have to purchase another queen if they want a colony. Seems unethical and a simple cash grab

Never heard anything more downright goofy than this. Take a look around at what people have or had in their shops. A ton of them are or sold single queens. AntsEmporium always does same day shipping, and from my experience and other people as well, the ants arrive with no brood loss. Whether or not the queens will be successful in founding is something the buyer is willing to risk. 

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#36 Offline Tex-Ant - Posted April 26 2022 - 4:06 AM



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You don't take returns after the queen arrives alive youre gonna refund someone 2 months later after their queen is still alive and not founding? You don't know if the queen is fertilized that brood could be drones, yes experienced keepers know not to buy queens without workers, and we can found them generally, but some of your customers are getting into the hobby. Takes 2 months and you make more money. At least put a disclaimer that these queens may not be fertilized and may not found, that it's a risk buying queens without workers.

Edited by Tex-Ant, April 26 2022 - 4:15 AM.

#37 Offline dspdrew - Posted April 26 2022 - 4:41 AM

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You seem to know much more than all of us. I'm surprised you needed a disclaimer.

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#38 Offline bmb1bee - Posted April 26 2022 - 8:49 AM


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You don't take returns after the queen arrives alive youre gonna refund someone 2 months later after their queen is still alive and not founding? You don't know if the queen is fertilized that brood could be drones, yes experienced keepers know not to buy queens without workers, and we can found them generally, but some of your customers are getting into the hobby. Takes 2 months and you make more money. At least put a disclaimer that these queens may not be fertilized and may not found, that it's a risk buying queens without workers.

Hey, you know you're debating with some of the most experienced keepers in the hobby right? By no means am I referring to myself as experienced, but for you to feel the need to "educate" people like Drew and Garrett about selling single queens seems a little ridiculous. They know what they're doing, and the 2 month refund policy is in fact quite fair.

Edited by bmb1bee, April 26 2022 - 8:50 AM.

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#39 Offline T.C. - Posted April 26 2022 - 1:53 PM


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You seem to know much more than all of us. I'm surprised you needed a disclaimer.


He did six tours to the AntsCanada youtube channel.  :lol:

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#40 Offline TennesseeAnts - Posted April 26 2022 - 5:46 PM


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A two month policy on dud queens is completely fair- my return policy only applies to queens that arrive dead/in poor condition on arrival and that's considered fair by most.
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