My small Mymecocystus colony is beautiful, they are also disgusting. They insist on puking or otherwise defiling my nice museum glass of a pair of minihearths. It looks like the sneeze guard on a Sizzler salad bar that's never been cleaned. Through the filth I can see their plump little bodies like ripe nectarines, barely.
I had an idea last night in bed, while I should have been sleeping. I once had a fresh water aquarium that also got filthy (maybe it's me!), and I used one of those magnetic cleaners with a felt covered magnet on the inside that you could move around and wipe the glass using another magnet or piece of metal, also with a soft surface, from the outside. In the vast combined experience of this forum, has anyone tried something like this before? I'm imagining crushed ant mishaps are a possibility, but it could be really great. Seeing them is everything, particularly with this species.