I should have started this journal when I first caught all of these queens, but I guess I should start it. I caught 5 Pogonomyrmex Californicus queens on June 28th out foraging. I put 4 of the queens in a pencil case formicarium and one single queen in an Amac box I filled with dirt. Today, August 5th, I discovered that they have pupae!!! This may be the first or second time that I've actually had any type of pogonomyrmex get pupae. Also, not to my surprise there's only one queen left.
For right now I don't have a picture of the one in the Amac box.
On july 14th I caught 50 more of these queens and put 3 of them into each dirt filled test tube test-tube, and then placed them in pencil case formicariums. that's pretty much it. I'll have more pictures soon.
Edited by AntsLA-1, September 30 2021 - 2:20 PM.