so i have been glancing over these ads for ant sales for a bit and am considering to try to get involved in sales myself come next year. very low scale and probably just use it as a means to support my ant keeping needs. I am just wondering, how does pricing work? I see a lot of people selling queens for less than 20 usd and in a lot of cases for less than $10, with deals for if you buy in bulk. now when i was getting impatient waiting for my Camponotus penns to found, i was looking to get a small colony just after founding to give me something to work with while waiting for my queens to do their thing and not have to deal with me always wanting to look. I had this person message me and offered me camponotus penns for like 60 bucks and figured that was the price for a queen with workers because i was pretty specific in my post. turns out it was 60 dollars for just a queen, no workers. is that legitimately an honest price for a queen Camponotus pennsylvanicus?
thanks for all input/advice of good faith in advance!