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just curious

usa ant sales questions please help

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#1 Offline olookitsme - Posted August 12 2021 - 8:54 AM


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so i have been glancing over these ads for ant sales for a bit and am considering to try to get involved in sales myself come next year. very low scale and probably just use it as a means to support my ant keeping needs. I am just wondering, how does pricing work? I see a lot of people selling queens for less than 20 usd and in a lot of cases for less than $10, with deals for if you buy in bulk. now when i was getting impatient waiting for my Camponotus penns to found, i was looking to get a small colony just after founding to give me something to work with while waiting for my queens to do their thing and not have to deal with me always wanting to look. I had this person message me and offered me camponotus penns for like 60 bucks and figured that was the price for a queen with workers because i was pretty specific in my post. turns out it was 60 dollars for just a queen, no workers. is that legitimately an honest price for a queen Camponotus pennsylvanicus?


thanks for all input/advice of good faith in advance!

  • zA-Z0-9 likes this

Queens owned

     3 Camponotus pennsylvanicus

     3 Formica pallidefulva


#2 Offline ANTdrew - Posted August 12 2021 - 9:08 AM


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That is not a fair price for a queen with no workers! She could turn out to be unmated and never found a colony. I for one almost never sell queens before they found a colony. On the other hand, I do ask $50-60 for Camponotus once they start a colony because demand is so high for them, “because big ants.”

Edited by ANTdrew, August 12 2021 - 9:09 AM.

  • AntsMaryland and olookitsme like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#3 Offline AntsMaryland - Posted August 12 2021 - 9:16 AM


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It really bothers me when people exploit those who are new to the hobby just to make a profit. Actually no... it enrages me. If someone is going into this hobby thinking they're going to make some money – they shouldn't be in this hobby (To be clear, i am referring to people who misrepresent what they are selling, specifically). At the end of the day, the goal for everyone should be the spread the hobby with both a love and appreciation for ants; some people forget that. I'm so sorry you had to deal with one of these people.

Edited by AntsMaryland, August 12 2021 - 9:19 AM.

  • KadinB and olookitsme like this

Aphaenogaster cf. rudis 

Tetramorium immigrans 

Tapinoma sessile

Formica subsericea

Pheidole sp.

Camponotus nearcticus

#4 Offline olookitsme - Posted August 12 2021 - 9:21 AM


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That is not a fair price for a queen with no workers! She could turn out to be unmated and never found a colony. I for one almost never sell queens before they found a colony. On the other hand, I do ask $50-60 for Camponotus once they start a colony because demand is so high for them, “because big ants.”

That sounds fair. not to mention it can take 2 to 3 months for camponotus to found. as i being new to ant keeping and apparently not having the greatest patience, it felt like forever before my first queen had workers and i was probably a lot more excited than I should have been. I was also thinking the person who was charging 60 bucks for the queen is one of very few sellers in IL so i guess they kinda gets to set the prices. I hope to maybe bring a little bit of competition and drive the prices down a little and go your route. Sell only colonies after founding. I appreciate your input and help. thanks again!

  • zA-Z0-9 likes this

Queens owned

     3 Camponotus pennsylvanicus

     3 Formica pallidefulva


#5 Offline olookitsme - Posted August 12 2021 - 9:25 AM


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It really bothers me when people exploit those who are new to the hobby just to make a profit. Actually no... it enrages me. If someone is going into this hobby thinking they're going to make some money – they shouldn't be in this hobby (To be clear, i am referring to people who misrepresent what they are selling, specifically). At the end of the day, the goal for everyone should be the spread the hobby with both a love and appreciation for ants; some people forget that. I'm so sorry you had to deal with one of these people.

all is good and no apologies needed. It was a learning experience for me and I am always grateful to the community here. Who is always ready to offer helping words and gives me plenty to think about and consider. and has been forgiving for some mistakes i made. so nothing but respect and appreciation to most of you all that i had the opportunity to chat with. I hope to one day be able to play a better role here and not just be that guy always asking questions!

  • zA-Z0-9 likes this

Queens owned

     3 Camponotus pennsylvanicus

     3 Formica pallidefulva


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: usa, ant sales, questions, please help

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