Hello, guys! I hope you are doing well.
I'm trying to move 2 colonies (both Camponotus) to a new test tube. Why? Well, both test tubes are pretty dirty and I think one is starting to get moldy.
I have been reading a few posts, watching videos, but... I thought asking would not hurt.
What I did?
I plugged the new test tube to the other one. I added a drop of nectar and food in the new (clean) test tube.
I also moved the new test tube to be partially on the heating mat and the old one not touching it (to make it "less comfortable")
This was made 2 days ago. I am aware that some movings can take time, but, is there anything else that I should try? They are still on the old tube.
I have them in a dark space.
Should I cover the new tube and expose the old one to the light? If so, could this hurt the eggs/larvae/pupae. Both colonies are small, the Queen and less than 7 workers.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.