Time for another major update,
All the ants got sugar water for their last carb source just to switch it up from honey.
The Forficatas singular larva is getting close to pupating size, none of the eggs have hatched but they are continuing to accept protein so I assume the larva has more growing to do. I have added more coco fibre to their outworld to aid in the cocooning process.
The camponotus aeneopilosus have eaten their remaining large larvae and are now down to 2 cocoons, most of the eggs however have hatched and there is a sizeable pile of small larvae. I suspect the reason for larvae eating was that it failed to cocoon and died as the successful cocoons occurred some time before. The queen still has an enormous abdomen so I am expecting a big pile of eggs soon. The 2 cocoons are starting to look more crispy so workers should be on the way soon.
This colony definitely prefers mealworms over crickets which is also the case with my nigrocincta.
The rhytidoponera have made a sort of ant hill in one of the corners, there are entrances spread out through the entire container so I believe they are utilising the full space. I plan on adding some lighter coloured substrate to make seeing and photographing them easier. The good thing about this naturalistic setup means that I can see the tunnelling behaviour of ants even if nest visibility is diminished. Even though they aren't considered polymorphic I am seeing a size variation of workers all the way from 5mm to 9mm which is interesting.
The nigrocincta are settling into their new home and have accepted mealworm pieces and seem to like the sugar water as well. I will probably be adding some lighter substrate to them as well since they do blend in with the orange sand and coco fibre.