Well it took a while but we got there, the final forficata worker has eclosed.
This brings the colony to five ants total with no eggs currently though I am hoping that will change soon as the queen is looking quite physogastric.
I was always under the impression that forficata was a smaller bull ant, but looking at these workers they are at least 2+ cm with some even pushing 2.5 so a real "giant" bull ant. They had actually stashed the last empty cocoon inside the alternate test tube so I only realised the worker had eclosed when I decided to check on them.
I will be moving them into their formicarium later today and I'll get some more photos then.
Regarding the Nigrocincta colony, they are doing well with 2 large larvae, a good pile of eggs and a few small larvae. I might have missed a few though as they are the same colour as the formicarium floor. One of the workers did appear to be sickly yesterday so I removed her and placed her in another container just in case she was down with some pathogen. As of right now, she is dead though the rest of the ants are looking healthy and are taking protein.