1. Location: Hells Kitchen in Manhattan, NYC.
2. Date of collection: ~7/28.
3. Habitat of collection: Urban sidewalk, was resting atop a piece of discarded furniture, presumably post nuptial flight.
4. Length (from head to gaster): Around ~1/3 of an inch.
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: Color is a dark, faintly reddish/brownish black. No distinct pattern. Texture of her gaster and other body parts appears to be relatively smooth.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: Her body and particularly her gaster has a mild, almost iridescent sheen under direct light.
7. Distinguishing behavior: Once she calmed down, she became docile and quiet; unless disturbed, in which case she can become quite energetic when alarmed. In a week she gradually laid about 11 eggs, which she has arranged in a loose pile below herself. She has not dropped her wings thus far.
8. Nest description: N/A
9. Nuptial flight time and date: ~7/28.
I'm aware the picture isn't very good as far as this kind of thing goes, but for now I don't want to disturb her for a better one. I'm thinking perhaps Lasius sp., maybe L. neoniger?