Today I found 3 nests of the same ant species, now the details, they have pointy gasters and they are indeed aggresive, they bite (hard) but they don't sting (thank goodness), I tried to take apart a piece of wood and hundreds of them swarm the area and started climb on me and bite me,also alates started exit the nest and tried to reach high spots on the broken tree but the workers forced them back into the nest (it was not good time for their flight I guess),then I placed the piece of wood that I took apart in its place and let them be, I then found another nest and decided to take a worker for id, I placed the worker in the testube and called it a day and went back home, but I found out that it got stack in the cotton somehow and it died (poor thing) its gaster was kinda damaged and its antennas too, anyway I hope you can id it, sorry for the bad photos..
Location: Athens,Greece
Time/date: Today
habitat: hill/forest kinda dry and hot (27-30c)
and photos from the nest:
Ps: forgot to mention that their body looks kinda red and their head and gaster black or dark brown, and this time is 100% ant..
Really thanks for any help!!!
Edited by GreekAnts, July 25 2021 - 11:53 AM.