As the title says, where I can find a temnothorax queen? where should I search?
It hasnt rain yet here but I want to know some good spots to look when the time comes.
Edited by GreekAnts, July 25 2021 - 2:50 AM.
As the title says, where I can find a temnothorax queen? where should I search?
It hasnt rain yet here but I want to know some good spots to look when the time comes.
Edited by GreekAnts, July 25 2021 - 2:50 AM.
Thanks for the info!, When is the best time to set the black light? after a rain? if I somehow manage to find a way to power it with a battery or buy a blacklight flashlight its a good idea to go to a forest at night and place it or hornets and wasps will make me regret it?
Bees and wasps only fly during the day. You have nothing to worry about in that regard. Temnothorax are not rain dependent for their flights.
didn't know that! so I can find a queen without the need of a rain, do they live close to the city (parks,large parks like little forests) or only in forests?
I didn't manage to find anything today but I will keep trying, I will search for oak trees in my area and I will let you know if I find anything
Twigs too.If you are looking in the woods during the day, try snapping acorns. Its an easy way to get colonies.
Edited by AntBoi3030, July 25 2021 - 6:28 PM.
My favorite queens/colony’s:
Pheidole Tysoni, Selonopis Molesta, Brachymyrmex Depilis, Tetramorium Immagrians, Prenolepis Imparis, Pheidole Bicirinata
Really sorry guys, the forum didn't notify me about the new replies and I forgot to look on this topic...
Thanks for the info, if I ever manage to find any acorn trees and I have the time I will even stay there to search for hours!
Hey, have you contacted alex-barty? He finds queens all the time in your country.
Really sorry Andrew, I forgot to tell you, I contacted him and thanks to you now I know a ant keeper in my country!
He will sell me some queens with workers (messor, lasius) when I get the queens I will let you know and I will start my first journal! (I guess this will happen mid august)
Thanks for mention him and telling me to contact him! and sorry again for not telling you, I really forgot about it.
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