Reading Wings of Fire Fanfiction
seeing how long i can keep plants alive
Being on Formiculture and discord talking about ants
Watching dumb Youtube videos
Reading Wings of Fire Fanfiction
seeing how long i can keep plants alive
Being on Formiculture and discord talking about ants
Watching dumb Youtube videos
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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Antkeeper01, on 21 Jul 2021 - 8:32 PM, said:
Reading Wings of Fire Fanfiction
seeing how long i can keep plants alive
Being on Formiculture and discord talking about ants
Watching dumb Youtube videos
We might be related...
EDIT: Except for the Wings of Fire thing. I don't even know what that is. Not making fun of it or saying I WOULDN'T read it, but I just don't. Otherwise... Brothers. I could watch people getting attacked by animals almost exclusively since it's almost ALWAYS their fault. I mean, I don't want to see someone get mauled or something but watching them get knocked down or moderately damaged always cracks me up. OMG. Something is seriously wrong with me.
Edited by cap_backfire, July 21 2021 - 12:46 PM.
cap_backfire, on 21 Jul 2021 - 8:44 PM, said:
Well I watch Dead Meat, it’s fake but much more violent than that. I had a Wings of Fire fanfic phase in 6th grade.Antkeeper01, on 21 Jul 2021 - 8:32 PM, said:
We might be related...
Reading Wings of Fire Fanfiction
seeing how long i can keep plants alive
Being on Formiculture and discord talking about ants
Watching dumb Youtube videos
EDIT: Except for the Wings of Fire thing. I don't even know what that is. Not making fun of it or saying I WOULDN'T read it, but I just don't. Otherwise... Brothers. I could watch people getting attacked by animals almost exclusively since it's almost ALWAYS their fault. I mean, I don't want to see someone get mauled or something but watching them get knocked down or moderately damaged always cracks me up. OMG. Something is seriously wrong with me.
Edited by Kaelwizard, July 21 2021 - 12:57 PM.
Reading, animating, taking care of 5 very demanding cockatiels, watching anime, listening to the same songs on repeat until I get tired of the song and never listen to it again, playing the harry potter game and hiking
and spawning thousands of bees on minecraft. then i bask in beeland
Edited by Swirlysnowflake, July 21 2021 - 5:58 PM.
Other than keeping ants, I also write books (they're terrible), Lego building, coding, cubing, gaming, reading random books, watching random videos and keep other pets (mostly inverts).
Swirlysnowflake, on 22 Jul 2021 - 01:56 AM, said:
Reading, animating, taking care of 5 very demanding cockatiels, watching anime, listening to the same songs on repeat until I get tired of the song and never listen to it again, playing the harry potter game and hiking
and spawning thousands of bees on minecraft. then i bask in beeland
Did you say... Harry Potter game???
I started to number them but realized that I really couldn’t rank them!
Aircraft (powered or gliders, fixed wing or rotary) and flight
Spacecraft and spaceflight
Spaceflight simulating software (playing, flight testing, and writing flight manuals)
Amateur astronomy (just getting into astrophotography after an abortive attempt years back)
Cars (classic and contemporary sports cars, Formula 1 and its sub-classes, and just plain cool cars)
Insects with special attention to social insects
Science Fiction
That’s it for now but I’m still open to where the spirit moves me!
It helps being retired
Edited by ConcordAntman, July 22 2021 - 4:56 AM.
cap_backfire, on 21 Jul 2021 - 6:37 PM, said:
NPLT, on 21 Jul 2021 - 3:58 PM, said:
Gaming, bicycling, and painting miniatures.
I need more time to paint miniatures. I'm going to be starting a puppet based "livestream" on Facebook TONIGHT and that's YET ANOTHER hobby that will take up a significant amount of time. Ugh. Not that I lament it, it'll be super fun, but it will keep me from things like painting minis and building mini models.
What gaming do you do?
I currently have a MASSIVE amount of Malifaux minis (never played) and the new and original Necromunda minis from Games Workshop. Also Dungeons and Dragons, which I currently play as much as possible and have HUNDREDS of minis for. I literally have thousands of minis, honestly and a 3d printer which churns out about one a night. Pray for me. Less than 1% are actually painted, I think.
What do you mean by what gaming I do? Like, what games I play? Mainly strategy games with the occasional MMO like Warframe or SWTOR. IRL gaming is mainly board games and Warhammer 40,000.
ConcordAntman, on 22 Jul 2021 - 12:55 PM, said:
I started to number them but realized that I really couldn’t rank them!
Aircraft (powered or gliders, fixed wing or rotary) and flightSpacecraft and spaceflight
Spaceflight simulating software (playing, flight testing, and writing flight manuals)
Amateur astronomy (just getting into astrophotography after an abortive attempt years back)
Cars (classic and contemporary sports cars, Formula 1 and its sub-classes, and just plain cool cars)
Insects with special attention to social insects
Science Fiction
That’s it for now but I’m still open to where the spirit moves me!
It helps being retired
Are you a friggen ASTRONAUT!?!??! WTF??? Get me Elon's number!!!
cap_backfire, on 22 Jul 2021 - 2:49 PM, said:
ConcordAntman, on 22 Jul 2021 - 12:55 PM, said:
I started to number them but realized that I really couldn’t rank them!
Aircraft (powered or gliders, fixed wing or rotary) and flightSpacecraft and spaceflight
Spaceflight simulating software (playing, flight testing, and writing flight manuals)
Amateur astronomy (just getting into astrophotography after an abortive attempt years back)
Cars (classic and contemporary sports cars, Formula 1 and its sub-classes, and just plain cool cars)
Insects with special attention to social insects
Science Fiction
That’s it for now but I’m still open to where the spirit moves me!
It helps being retired
Are you a friggen ASTRONAUT!?!??! WTF??? Get me Elon's number!!!
I wish! I’ll send you some of my work.
Kaelwizard, on 22 Jul 2021 - 04:54 AM, said:
lol it’s the one called Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. It’s pretty boring and slow cause you have to wait for energy but I still obsessively play it because I’m still obsessed with the Harry Potter fandomSwirlysnowflake, on 22 Jul 2021 - 01:56 AM, said:
Did you say... Harry Potter game???Reading, animating, taking care of 5 very demanding cockatiels, watching anime, listening to the same songs on repeat until I get tired of the song and never listen to it again, playing the harry potter game and hiking
and spawning thousands of bees on minecraft. then i bask in beeland
Swirlysnowflake, on 22 Jul 2021 - 9:43 PM, said:
I play it on and off sometimes. I’m waiting for Hogwarts Legacy. Apparently you can be evil in it.Kaelwizard, on 22 Jul 2021 - 04:54 AM, said:
lol it’s the one called Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. It’s pretty boring and slow cause you have to wait for energy but I still obsessively play it because I’m still obsessed with the Harry Potter fandomSwirlysnowflake, on 22 Jul 2021 - 01:56 AM, said:
Did you say... Harry Potter game???Reading, animating, taking care of 5 very demanding cockatiels, watching anime, listening to the same songs on repeat until I get tired of the song and never listen to it again, playing the harry potter game and hiking
and spawning thousands of bees on minecraft. then i bask in beeland
ConcordAntman, on 23 Jul 2021 - 12:59 AM, said:
Me, too!Daniel, on 22 Jul 2021 - 5:43 PM, said:
I have no clue as to what Herping is (Herpetology???) but I'm certainly down for birding and collecting whiskeys
Carnivorous plant horticulture
Collecting whiskey
God you guys make me feel so lame LOL. I love gaming, hiking (although I never get to enough) gaming, weebing and did I mention gaming? currently on here with my $3k gaming pc
Hiking, collecting various things I find interesting, bad macro photography, culturing various things I find interesting, learning things nobody needs to know and completely inapplicable to life, spending too much time staring at dead bodies on pins or in jars, and occasionally animating.
These all sound so great.
I only collect whiskeys in my tum-tum. Well, bourbons. I'm a huge bourbon fan.
I'm so stoked to see all these hobbies. I'm going to add "general inverts" to mine as I have snails, millipedes, jumping spiders and um... Well, TONS of isopods. Well, easily 12 pounds of isopods.
These are awesome. Thanks to all of you for posting.
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