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69 replies to this topic

#61 Offline TestSubjectOne - Posted August 15 2021 - 9:20 AM


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If you look you may be able to find founding chambers from the rain too, so bring a shovel.

TestSubjectOne's Experiences in Antkeeping General Journal


Currently Keeping:

- Veromessor pergandei (1 queen, 600 workers)

- Novomessor cockerelli (1 queen, 200 workers)

- Myrmecocystus mexicanus (1 queen, 100 workers)

- Brachymyrmex patagonicus (3 queens?, 2,000 workers? & alates)

- Crematogaster sp. (1 queen, 600 workers)

- Liometopum occidentale (1 queen, 800 workers)

- Camponotus absqualator (1 queen, 130 workers)

#62 Offline GreekAnts - Posted August 17 2021 - 2:07 AM


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I was searching outside and I found nothing so I gave up after 2 days, yesterday at night for some reason I grabbed a flower pot and I saw some small ants on it and I was super excited, I quickly placed the pot on a glass dish and added a 1:1 ratio powder-alcohol barrier and they manage to cross it, then I emptied the pot on a large plastic box and added a vaseline barrier and they again somehow crossed it but fewer ants could, so I left them there, I started search the soil and I found no brood or queen, I spend 2 hours looking and I found only workers so I just placed a test tube and a drop of honey on a cotton and closed the box and went to sleep, today I looked again and the honey was gone but the test tube was empty so I looked again on the soil and started search but again I found some workers only, I tried to catch them but it was really hard because they was running around and they was really quick, then for a reason I decided to throw water on the box to collect the ants because I thought there was only some workers and I wanted to release them elsewhere, then after I throwed some water the queen came out!!!
I couldn't believe my eyes, I was so stupid for doing that so I quickly and carefully placed her in a test tube and then in a small box with vaseline barrier and a cover with cotton and started to collect workers, I tried to find any brood but I found nothing, after a while I ended up with 10-20 workers and a queen, but without brood so I placed them in this box with a test tube and some soil, I added 3 small maggots that I froze before and a drop of honey in a cotton and let them be inside a dark drawer and I plan to let them be there for 3 days the least or even more.
I know I did wrong and I was stupid to throw water but I didn't know it was a queen there, I am against on collecting wild colonies but I guess this was a exception, and I don't plan to do it again any time soon, I feel bad for the lost ants but at least I got my first colony ever!
They look like lasius burneus but I am not sure, and I don't want to disturb more so I am not gonna open that drawer. 

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#63 Offline TestSubjectOne - Posted August 17 2021 - 9:08 AM


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Congratulations on your first colony. Make sure that you find a way to heat them so they grow faster.

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TestSubjectOne's Experiences in Antkeeping General Journal


Currently Keeping:

- Veromessor pergandei (1 queen, 600 workers)

- Novomessor cockerelli (1 queen, 200 workers)

- Myrmecocystus mexicanus (1 queen, 100 workers)

- Brachymyrmex patagonicus (3 queens?, 2,000 workers? & alates)

- Crematogaster sp. (1 queen, 600 workers)

- Liometopum occidentale (1 queen, 800 workers)

- Camponotus absqualator (1 queen, 130 workers)

#64 Offline GreekAnts - Posted August 17 2021 - 9:42 AM


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Congratulations on your first colony. Make sure that you find a way to heat them so they grow faster.

Thank you so much!! I hope they will survive, I don't know how to heat them because I can't find a heating cable or mat and I don't want to disturb them more for now, because they must build their nest again and the queen must lay eggs, do you think is a good idea to introduce to them some papue from a lasius niger colony? like 1-5 papue. At least we have high temps here (25-35C) so I guess this maybe can help in terms of developing time.

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#65 Offline GreekAnts - Posted August 17 2021 - 10:02 AM


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I forgot to ask, because I will get more lasius as well, can someone suggest a good/effective barrier for them that lasts?
and can someone suggest me a good outworld (best something I can make (diy)) for lasius so they can't escape? ,I don't want the whole colony to escape!

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#66 Offline ANTdrew - Posted August 17 2021 - 12:32 PM


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Ikea Godmorgon boxes could be a good option to make your outworld. Not sure if you have Ikea in Greece, though. Try to get some fluon for your barrier.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#67 Offline GreekAnts - Posted August 17 2021 - 12:51 PM


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Ikea Godmorgon boxes could be a good option to make your outworld. Not sure if you have Ikea in Greece, though. Try to get some fluon for your barrier.

Yes we have ikea, I will check their boxes to see if they have a good one (they probably have I guess),
is there something that works good as fluon, I only ask because with shipping is expensive a lot (30-50 euros) and I can't give so much for a single small bottle of fluon.

#68 Offline ANTdrew - Posted August 17 2021 - 1:18 PM


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You could try mixing baby powder and alcohol and rubbing it on the rim. When the alcohol dries, the powder is left behind.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#69 Offline GreekAnts - Posted August 17 2021 - 1:32 PM


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I didn't saw the box's name before, I just saw it on their site and it looks great, I must get one of this, really thanks for the info!
I will place powder barrier and cotton and I think it can work great

#70 Offline TestSubjectOne - Posted August 17 2021 - 6:38 PM


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Congratulations on your first colony. Make sure that you find a way to heat them so they grow faster.

Thank you so much!! I hope they will survive, I don't know how to heat them because I can't find a heating cable or mat and I don't want to disturb them more for now, because they must build their nest again and the queen must lay eggs, do you think is a good idea to introduce to them some papue from a lasius niger colony? like 1-5 papue. At least we have high temps here (25-35C) so I guess this maybe can help in terms of developing time.


As long as your house is that hot, you don't need to heat your ants individually. I would suggest that you not boost them with pupae from another species, which could cause issues, and have the colony raise their own brood unless they need a boost.

Edited by TestSubjectOne, August 17 2021 - 6:40 PM.

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TestSubjectOne's Experiences in Antkeeping General Journal


Currently Keeping:

- Veromessor pergandei (1 queen, 600 workers)

- Novomessor cockerelli (1 queen, 200 workers)

- Myrmecocystus mexicanus (1 queen, 100 workers)

- Brachymyrmex patagonicus (3 queens?, 2,000 workers? & alates)

- Crematogaster sp. (1 queen, 600 workers)

- Liometopum occidentale (1 queen, 800 workers)

- Camponotus absqualator (1 queen, 130 workers)

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