Good luck keeping this scorpion! You are lucky that you don't have parents like mine.... I am limited in pets. I can only keep fish now that my brother arrived. And when it's birthday, and you get all that money, they don't let you buy a heater or filter! I can only keep fish. I gave up keeping fish a long time ago, and my beautiful B. Smithi is the only invert other than ants I can keep now...... and I had to pester hem for what; 2 years, and win a lot of awards before they sent the test tube order to LCM Labs. Well, since you live in SoCal, you can keep your scorp without any heaters or anything, just a box of sand. I still remember when I was in China, 5 years ago, buying scorps like these at the food markets (they eat scorpions in China) for 12 for a few Yuan. Sucks now that my brother arrived, I can't keep them anymore. Still, good luck!
Species I keep:
1 Lasius cf. Neoniger 30 workers
1 Camponotus sp. 15 workers
20 Tetramorium SpE 30 workers
1 T. Sessile 200 workers