In preparation of their flights by me next month I am going to ask the hive (formica?) mind and get some advice.
I plan to grow another colony to a largish size and give the thief ants access to their nest (possibly two seperate colonies that will allow the theif ants to visit two separate colonies? Just to take the burden off of the one colony. Anyway, that's far in the future. In the meantime, what would you guys recommend for feeding them in the meantime or if I abandon the idea of having them raid other nests and just keep them separate? I understand how tiny they are and have a nest already purchased and ready to go-a pretty whiz acrylic job that I think will do the job for their entire lives.
Also are they poly or mono? I imagine I'll catch multiple queens as I hear they are drawn to blacklights and I have a really great blacklight for my 3d printing.
Thanks in advance for all the help!