Hello, I am new to ants and ant-keeping but have experience with many other types of animals, including various invertebrates. Recently, my niece asked me about ants and ant farms. I though it might be a nice way to get into a new hobby as well as bonding with someone over a shared interest. I started looking at the cheap ant farms and eventually found myself here. I read through the beginner guide and although it's not too intimidating, I thought I might be better able to ask for advice and jump ahead of some of the trial-and-error that might be involved with starting out. So, here's what I'm after:
- An ant colony of a species that is large, non-stinging and beginner-friendly and...
- An attractive pre-made kit that can house said ants.
I'm not very concerned about budget, but I assume that in this hobby, as in most, there are some fantastically priced ants and gear. I'd like to keep the whole thing under a few hundred dollars.
Thanks in advance for all your help! Hopefully you can get a couple inquisitive minds started down the road to proper ant-keeping!