compared to most I'm relatively new to the hobby, but I've been lurking for a while already.
Anyway, I started with my first Lasius Niger colony late August 2014. But it's addicting...
Currently I have;
- Camponotus Cruentatus; 40 workers
- Messor Barbarus; 200 workers
- Pheidole Pallidula; 30 workers
- Lasius Niger; 100 workers
Of all these I find Messor to be the easiest to keep (by far) and Pheidole 2nd. They both accept almost everything food wise, tho the Messor are incredibly paranoid about movement/disturbance. I went up from 15-20 workers in February to about 200 as of now.
I came to this forum through Terry as I bought some of his products and we've had contact since in regards to testing his products.
Edited by Silence, June 16 2015 - 3:33 AM.