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Ant feeding spiral

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6 replies to this topic

#1 Offline Barristan - Posted June 2 2021 - 11:32 AM


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I built a small ant feeding spiral with aluminum wire and tested it outside:


If you have a small formicarium you can't really observe ant trails but with this small spiral it is possible and you can also better use vertical space.

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#2 Offline cap_backfire - Posted June 21 2021 - 8:51 AM


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I'm curious as to the point of this.  Does it help them think they are travelling farther to get food?   I know some ants prefer to travel significant distances to forage.   Sorry but this is DEFINITELY a noob question.    

Whatever it's for it looks really cool!   And your ants DEFINITELY love it.  

#3 Offline Manitobant - Posted June 21 2021 - 9:00 AM


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I'm curious as to the point of this.  Does it help them think they are travelling farther to get food?   I know some ants prefer to travel significant distances to forage.   Sorry but this is DEFINITELY a noob question.    
Whatever it's for it looks really cool!   And your ants DEFINITELY love it.

i think its just supposed to look cool.
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#4 Offline MrPurpleB - Posted June 21 2021 - 9:37 AM


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I'm curious as to the point of this.  Does it help them think they are travelling farther to get food?   I know some ants prefer to travel significant distances to forage.   Sorry but this is DEFINITELY a noob question.    
Whatever it's for it looks really cool!   And your ants DEFINITELY love it.

From my understanding the longer path to the food item is supposed to create a foraging trail. The user mentions using this spiral for less spacious formicarium/outworld. The spiral helps facilitate trails in spaces otherwise too short to allow a neat trail to form. Mantibant seems to be right, probably for an aesthetic purpose. Foraging trials can be interesting and cool to observe.
  • Barristan, cap_backfire and Antcatcherpro3 like this

#5 Offline cap_backfire - Posted June 21 2021 - 10:07 AM


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This is such a cool idea.   I'm definitely going to try this for my next formicarium-or something for it.  

#6 Offline Barristan - Posted June 23 2021 - 9:56 PM


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As some already mentioned it doesn't have any benefit for the ants.
But when I thought about it I figured out a possible benefit for some ant species. Not for feeding purposes but to provide them a place to dump their dead. Some ant species tend to carry around their dead for quite some time to find a suitable place. One of the reasons might be that the distance is not long enough away from the nest. I think there was a study that ants tend to dump their dead far away from the nest to prevent the spread of parasites, disease, etc.
So if you add such a spiral with an empty place on top where they can dump the dead maybe that could reduce the carrying around of dead ants. But I haven't tested it, maybe it also doesn't work...
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#7 Offline cap_backfire - Posted June 24 2021 - 7:13 AM


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I have seen my Trachymyrmex carrying around their dead, basically forever.   Even after making their formicarium about 5 times larger.   The idea of putting a cup or something up in the branches is solid.  I might try that.  They have lots of vertical space already and just giving them a spot to put their dead would definitely be less work on the poor morticians in my colony!   
I love the concept of this spiral to give them the premise of foraging for longer, and the foraging trail is so awesome for YOU to watch.   Awesome.  

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