I've been misting the cardboard every once in a while to keep it damp, but had very little hope since I rarely ever saw the dealates and never saw an egg. However, as I was misting it today I pulled out some of the cardboard to find a few eggs! And not only were there eggs, I found a couple tiny white nymphs waddling around! 
I dug a little further to find a pair of dealates and some more brood at the bottom. I'll leave them alone from now on, hopefully this colony does well!
Also, call it dumb luck but I somehow ended up with a male and a female in the test tube. The female is swelling up like crazy, but I've only seen a few eggs, never a nymph. I hope that pair turn out well also, these termites are very cool-looking.
Edited by kellakk, July 7 2015 - 10:36 PM.