I found this winged ant (which I believe is a queen) walking on the ground of a hallway near the office area of where I work. The building itself is over 50 years old. There is a fire exit about 100 feet away from where the ant was. Other than that, no windows or doors close by.
I collected the ant yesterday and put it in a test tube, yet the wings have not yet come off and the ant has not shown any attempts to remove the wings.
A few weeks earlier, I saw another winged ant in this same hallway.
My questions are:
1.) What species of ant is this?
2.) Is it a queen?
3.) Do you think she had already gone through the nuptial flight, landed, and then somehow wandered into the hallway? Or do you think she is an unmated queen that emerged from a nest somewhere and had yet to take flight and mate? (I wouldn't want to keep an unmated queen unnecessarily --I would release her if it is likely that she is unmated)