Hi all,
This is where I will be selling off my extra ants to fund future anting trips. I accept payments through PayPal (friends and family required only for bulk orders) and ship USPS flatrate. Generally, shipping will cost $9-10. I sell exclusively to California unless you can provide permits. I can do local pick-up, but you must be able to drive to Temecula. I will fully refund/replace all queens/colonies DOA if you can provide pictures within 6 hours of delivery.
The best way to contact me is directly messaging me on Formiculture or on Discord. My Discord tag is something5067
Camponotus us-ca02

(out of stock)
Pogonomyrmex tenuispinus

~10mm queens | 8-9mm workers
$40 per founding queen (out of stock)
$40 1-5 worker colony (out of stock)
Myrmecocystus flaviceps
~10mm queens | ~5mm workers
$25 founding queen (5 available)
$40 1-10 worker colony (Available soon)
Edited by Somethinghmm, February 20 2025 - 7:01 PM.